Windows Task Stopped and Only Ran PHP for 1 Second

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Windows Task Stopped and Only Ran PHP for 1 Second

Postby StuckinWindows » 14. January 2017 08:53

I have had simulated cron job setup using Windows Task Manager for weeks now and all of a sudden it quit running. I tried creating a new task with identical rules, but it only ran once and PHP.exe terminated after 1 second. I have no clue why it quit. Every Google search I do for stuff like "php 1 second" or "php stops after 1 second" results in articles about how to run php for one second or how to add or subtract a second from a timestamp.

The scheduled task was set to run daily every 15 minutes with the following rule:

C:\xampp\php\php.exe -f C:\xampp\htdocs\wp-cron.php

The user is SYSTEM and every time it runs I get a lot of posts added to mysql complete with a lot of images added to Wordpress. It seemed to have stopped at random last night as I slept and cannot run more than once for one second since.
Posts: 2
Joined: 14. January 2017 08:43
XAMPP version: Windows
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: Windows Task Stopped and Only Ran PHP for 1 Second

Postby StuckinWindows » 14. January 2017 23:06

Now it looks like wp-cron is the problem. Everything else runs, but still wp-cron shows no errors with error_reporting(E_ALL); added to to the top of the page. Tried testing it by loading http://localhost/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron and still nothing. Then I checked MySql and could only find one entry in wp-options with the option name "cron" it says:


I never personally scheduled any deletes or any task because I am using WPRobot. I don't know if its tasks got deleted or maybe it uses some other method of scheduling them. I cant think of any explanation for why tasks would just up and delete themselves all of a sudden.
Posts: 2
Joined: 14. January 2017 08:43
XAMPP version: Windows
Operating System: Windows 10

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