DocumentRoot other than htdocs 403 error.

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

DocumentRoot other than htdocs 403 error.

Postby wsanders » 13. January 2016 05:25

After installing XAMPP for Mac OS X it worked fine, showing the dashboard and everything. However, after attempting to change this line of code in httpd.conf
Code: Select all
DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs"
<Directory "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs">

Code: Select all
DocumentRoot "/Volumes/Storage/wsanders/Desktop/webRootDir"
<Directory "/Volumes/Storage/username/Desktop/webRootDir">

I am trying to store the directory that is being served on another HDD but instead get an error 403 when it was previously working just fine.

When messing with permissions I have left them at the default
Code: Select all
drwxr-xr-x   2 wsanders  staff         68 Jan 12 22:20 webRootDir

and then matched them exactly using chmod and chown in the terminal.
Code: Select all
drwxrwxr-x   2 root      admin         68 Jan 12 22:05 webRootDir

I don't really know where to go from here other than just keeping it in the htdocs directory.
Any help is appreciated. :)
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Re: DocumentRoot other than htdocs 403 error.

Postby Nobbie » 13. January 2016 13:56

It is not sufficient to grant appropriate rights to the folder webRootDir only, but you have also to grant it to ALL parent folders, i.e.


have to allow at least read access for the User and/or Group, which is used by Apache at runtime.
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Re: DocumentRoot other than htdocs 403 error.

Postby wsanders » 13. January 2016 18:38

Just did that by adding the user daemon and group daemon and it showed a list of all files in the directory.
Thank you. :)
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