Default Password Change in Mysql Issue

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Default Password Change in Mysql Issue

Postby gopalv » 04. April 2015 10:28


I have set the default password for mysql on my local machine for the username ROOT.
Now, i m not able to access the phpmyadmin on my local system.
It is giving me the erroe "#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) ".
Now, could you please help me with the steps from where I can set the password for my localhost mysql.
Waiting for urgent help.
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Joined: 04. April 2015 10:20
Operating System: MAC OSX Yosemite

Re: Default Password Change in Mysql Issue

Postby Nobbie » 05. April 2015 13:11

Edit in folder phpmyadmin and apply the password (you will see the appropriate line).


Edit and change auth_type from "config" to "cookie". If you do so, you will get a login dialog upon startup of phpmyadmin, enter "root" and the new password.
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Re: Default Password Change in Mysql Issue

Postby Christina_Juanito » 27. April 2015 02:30


I have the exact same problem and cannot do anything to fix it.
I am a learner on site building and programming and do not have
much knowledge for problem solving of this type yet.

I tried what you wrote, but the file "phpmyadmin" does not let me
to edit it, as it seems to be locked along with the database…
(read only)

I would appreciate a response by someone from the administrators,
as nothing I have read, nor any improvising of mine has done any good.

Thank you in advance,


PS: My XAMPP Version actually is 5.6.8-0, but this choice did not exist
on your list
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Joined: 27. April 2015 02:22
Operating System: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63b)

Re: Default Password Change in Mysql Issue

Postby Christina_Juanito » 27. April 2015 04:02

I have at last managed to reverse the password
and I am posting the procedure here for anyone with the
same problem:

1. Make sure the servers (Apache Web Server,MySQL, ProFTPD) are running
2. Go through Finder on Mac to
- Applications -> XAMPP -> bin -> mysqladmin (it's a Unix Executable File, open it)
- The terminal you opened describes the basic commands you can use and other info
which I do not comprehend at the time
- With Cmnd+N or Shell -> New Command you are opening a new command window
(it is actually the same procedure you did to change the password at the first time)

- Type
/Applications/XAMPP/bin/mysqladmin --user=root --password=thepasswordyouenteredbefore password ""

and push enter

* the password you entered before without "" around it
* the "" section is for returning to not having a password, that' s why we type nothing inside the "" .
* After this you go again in "No security mode" and I do not know yet how to apply security, but I guess I
will find out soon. At least the nightmare of access denied is over...

It' s done!
It gives you the following warning:

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Now you can enter your phpMyAdmin again !
Posts: 2
Joined: 27. April 2015 02:22
Operating System: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63b)

Re: Default Password Change in Mysql Issue

Postby Nobbie » 27. April 2015 12:16

Christina_Juanito wrote:I tried what you wrote, but the file "phpmyadmin" does not let me
to edit it, as it seems to be locked along with the database…
(read only)

There is no file "phpmyadmin", that is a folder. Inside that folder is a file which you should edit (see my post above). If it is read only for your UserID, you can start the editor via "sudo".
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Re: Default Password Change in Mysql Issue

Postby chiericitom » 04. May 2015 10:50

i solved....
i've edited i've put my database's user and my password and now i see all my databases!
Tommaso Chierici
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Re: Default Password Change in Mysql Issue

Postby skd » 16. October 2015 04:29

Hi, I am unable to edit that php file. How did you edit it?
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Joined: 16. October 2015 04:01
Operating System: OS X Yosemite 10.10.5

Re: Default Password Change in Mysql Issue

Postby Nobbie » 16. October 2015 10:44

You must open it with an "editor", the standard Windows Editor is called "notepad.exe". On OSX there seems to be a tool called "textedit". If unsure, proceed to an OSX forum and ask there for an OSX text editor.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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