Xampp is locally a mass

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xampp is locally a mass

Postby gelr » 15. March 2015 14:24

I'm using Xampp since several years.
Since a number of months I have serious problems ,locally in my development environment.
I'm working on Windows 8.1. The problems arise both under Firefox and Internet explorerer and on two different machines (all running under windows 8.1)
When I upload the programs to the production site at my provider everything works perfectly.
However I cannot make changes in the production site before testing and using a separate test and development environment on the production server takes to much time for development.
So I think something is wrong in the local installation.
I used the installer version of XAMPP latest version Mysql 5.6.23 Apache 5.0.11 and PHPMYadmin
I reinstalled Xampp and PHPMyadmin two or three times and the problems remain in different versions.

One problem is in PHPMyAdmin:
After some time a message tokens are not equal (In Dutch token niet gelijk) and from that poiunt sometimes clicking around the screen solves the problem but mostly I have to restart Firefox and open PHPMyadmin again.

Second problem is that a program opens sometimes with a correct screen somtimes with a mass.
When I look at the underlying code I cannot see any relation with the original program code.
I enclose screenprints of several examples.
The most strange is the one where in the screen source(deelvensterinfo) the message is shown variable not found, whilst the executed statement is shown with the content of the variable. So I cannot find the cause of a problem since the source code is correct, the source in the source behind the screen is weard and the screen is a mass.

I believe that something is wrong in the local installatiuon.
Can anybody tell me the solution or at least where to look to find the problem.

I have put some examples in http://www.vereniging123.nl/xamppproblems/

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Joined: 09. March 2015 16:30
Operating System: Windows 8.1

Re: Xampp is locally a mass

Postby Nobbie » 15. March 2015 16:01

gelr wrote:The most strange is the one where in the screen source(deelvensterinfo) the message is shown variable not found, whilst the executed statement is shown with the content of the variable.

That is your fault, the message does not say "variable not found", it says "undefined variable lid" and that means, that you use $lid in an assignment, without having assigned any value before to $lid. This is a very unsafe and unclean programming style, you must assign values to variables before using them.

It seems that your local error level (for reporting errors) is simply different than on your production server.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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