Setting apache on my second server

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Setting apache on my second server

Postby Unknownfactor » 21. February 2015 20:13

Hello! Im just trying to undrstand what im doin wrong when i try to set up a second server with LAMP.
I already have a working server with LAMP but i didnt set that one up. Now im trying to add aditional machine and im tryin to figure out what else do i have to do so the machine will work as virtual server for my webpage(s).

Like i said, on a new server i already instaled Lamp, forworded ports 80, 22, 442 correct LAN IP, and added an entry under apache2 sites-available like this:

"<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /media/BigBoy/www/test
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/test_error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/test_access.log combined

Than i connected a new domain to my main IP but it automaticly connects to the old server that is already running in my home network. So the question is what do i have to do, for my new server to run the webpages i want to? Do i have to add a specific command on old server or something else i forgot? Please help.
Posts: 1
Joined: 21. February 2015 20:02
Operating System: Linux debian

Re: Setting apache on my second server

Postby Nobbie » 21. February 2015 21:05

Unknownfactor wrote:and im tryin to figure out what else do i have to do so the machine will work as virtual server for my webpage(s).

First of all: THIS IS THE GERMAN BOARD. Or is "Grundlagen und Wissenswertes" an English expression?

At next: your description is very very hard to understand and it is extremely confusing. BUT: if i got it right, you have Server 1 which is running Apache und Server 2 which is running Apache as well, and you want to run "Server 2" inside of Server 1 as a VirtualHost.

If I am right, there is a very easy answer: This is not possible. All VirtualHost MUST run on the same Server, you cannot spread VirtualHosts about different Servers. If I am NOT right: please explain better, far better.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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