Best way to update XAMPP

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Best way to update XAMPP

Postby Jack D Ripper » 29. May 2014 00:35

Hello XAMPP users and Apache friends !

I have an installation of XAMPP 1.7.7 on my computer, with several data bases in MySQL and several installations of Wordpress and blogs et cetera, in the htdocs folder.

What is the best way to update XAMPP to a newer version, without compromising my databases and installations ?

Thanks in advance.
Jack D Ripper
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Operating System: Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

Re: Best way to update XAMPP

Postby chrisvarick » 29. May 2014 02:03

Up VOTE! I have not found a concrete migration/upgrade tutorial for doing this...
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Operating System: Window 7, Windows Server 2k3

Re: Best way to update XAMPP

Postby Nobbie » 29. May 2014 09:57

Jack D Ripper wrote:What is the best way to update XAMPP to a newer version, without compromising my databases and installations ?

There is no standard or easy way. Make a backup of all your data, all your files, all your configurations, delete the old installation, install the new version and restore all backuped data. Thats a long a difficult process.
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Re: Best way to update XAMPP

Postby MikeWid » 10. July 2014 18:22

Before Bitnami it was easy. As a precaution create a copy of the whole c:\xampp folder to c:\xampp1.8.1(or your version) then install xampp and everything works
after bitnami it won't work, it refuses to install if xampp exists.
I have tried renaming c:\xampp to e.g. xampp1.7.2, and doing a clean install of xampp.
Then copying back MySQL\data but some databases are corrupt, and database users are lost.
In conclusion Apache Friends should ditch Bitnami.
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Operating System: Windows 7

Re: Best way to update XAMPP

Postby Nobbie » 10. July 2014 19:44

MikeWid wrote:Before Bitnami it was easy. As a precaution create a copy of the whole c:\xampp folder to c:\xampp1.8.1(or your version) then install xampp and everything works
after bitnami it won't work, it refuses to install if xampp exists.

It requires only a little step more: after copying Xampp Folder to a backup folder, de-install Xampp.

MikeWid wrote:In conclusion Apache Friends should ditch Bitnami.

Definately not. It is always a bad hack to install software over existing software. Bitnami does not allow this and this is OK.

If you dont like Xampp anymore, no problem, you are encouraged to install Apache, Php and MySQL manually and put them all together. After then you may update everything as you like. Forget Xampp, if you dont like it.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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