phpmyadmin login error?

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phpmyadmin login error?

Postby Web_Related » 22. March 2004 15:09

Everything was working correctly...until I set the passwords for pma and root in MySQL. Now I get the following error when logging into phpmyadmin:

#1045 - Access denied for user: 'pma@localhost' (Using password: NO)

Help!?! I will continue researching this and report back if I get an answer before someone responds.

Thanks in adance.

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Joined: 19. March 2004 16:44

Postby Wiedmann » 22. March 2004 15:31

Have you changed this setting in "" too?:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlluser'] = 'pma';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controllpass'] = 'secret';
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phpmyadmin login error?

Postby Web_Related » 22. March 2004 17:29

I had tried that (I think) and still was getting the error. I tried a lot of stuff.

I did just get it working...

What ended up working for me was the following:
log into mysql as root:
./mysql -uroot -p
after entering the password preform the following
mysql> use mysql
mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Host='%' WHERE User='pma';
mysql> quit

Now stop and restart mysql.

After that it let me log in as root.
If I log in as pma it says: "Cannot login to MySQL server"

Prior to running the above mysql commands the mysql.user table had a Host value of 'localhost'. After the value was changed to % which is a wildcard meaning 'from anywhere'.

I did not change root's Host values.

This seems to be correct behavior, let me know if it is not.

Thanks again for the information and help.
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phpmyadmin login error?

Postby Web_Related » 22. March 2004 17:48


I do need the change in

Without it I can log in but can not create tables, or perform most admin functions. that I added the entry, I'm getting the error:

MySQL said:

#1045 - Access denied for user: 'pma@localhost' (Using password: YES)

Notice the only change in the error is the YES (use to be NO).

Back to the drawing board. I am going to regroup review what I have done and see what I can figure out.
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closer to an answer

Postby Web_Related » 22. March 2004 19:29

O.K. I now have phpmyadmin working with all functions...

This is what I did:

/opt/lampp/lampp stopmysql
/opt/lampp/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

Now I log in and I can do whatever I want!

So is there a simple way to do this using the lampp config files or by modifying the lampp script?

I'll use it this way for now until someone tells me the right way to do it.
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