Making mywebsite folder structure work in Xammp [Solved]

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Making mywebsite folder structure work in Xammp [Solved]

Postby old_guy » 29. October 2012 15:13

Hi all,
I am using Win XP and Xammp v1.8.1

Newbie question - so hopefully a simple answer

I have 3 hosted sites and use a common structure for each. This is:-

root\ - On my hosted site this is \public_html\
root\images\ - On my hosted site this is \public_html\images\
root\css\ - On my hosted site this is \public_html\css\
root\upload\ - On my hosted site this is \public_html\upload\

In each of these hosted sites I keep all the graphics in the relevant images folder.

I have copied the files from the hosted sites to a named folder in C:\xampp\htdocs\ for example:-

The index page - pointing through my browser using:- http://localhost/site1/index.php works but the images are not displayed, only the alt links. This is the same using site2 and site3 in the url.

So the question:-
How do I get the images to display correctly using localhost without changing any of the code that works on the hosted sites and keeping the folder structure complete?

This has probably been asked lots of times but I cannot find a solution via search that I can understand.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Operating System: Win XP

Re: Making mywebsite folder structure work in Xammp

Postby Altrea » 29. October 2012 18:34

Hi old_guy,

old_guy wrote:So the question:-
How do I get the images to display correctly using localhost without changing any of the code that works on the hosted sites and keeping the folder structure complete?

That fully depends on how you reference them in your code and in which folder Apache now expected the images to be.
So please take a look into your \xampp\apache\logs\error.log and \xampp\apache\logs\access.log for the needed informations.

I for example structure my testing environment something like that way:
Code: Select all
    - (some files saved above document_root)
    - public_html\ (which has a VHost with DocumentRoot for\
    - (some files above document_root)
    - public_html\ (which has a VHost with DocumentRoot for

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Re: Making mywebsite folder structure work in Xammp

Postby old_guy » 30. October 2012 13:44


Thanks for the fast reply. While it was not the "hand-holding-do-it-for-me-post" that lazy people like me want, it was great because it taught me something.

The clue was the reference to vhost. An internet search for "xampp virtual host setup" brought up loads of pages (198,000) and I followed this one as I could understand it (I am a little slow ):-

The Client A and Client B were the give away and by using the .local at the end of the client name in the hosts file made it simple to follow (For me any way.)

So with a fast reply and a little cut and paste from the above page everything is now working on the image and css front.

So again - Thank you - and I look forward to presenting my next set of problems to the board.
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Operating System: Win XP

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