How to setup virtual site name for register users?

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How to setup virtual site name for register users?

Postby acpan » 17. July 2012 18:06


I want to privide a vitual site to my registered user eg.

instead of


So each registered user can have his own micro site with
easy to remember url.

There is no seperate web folder that is tied to each user, instead
a share folder and the conetnts are pulled out from the mysql databse
specific to the name in the url entered. So eg. If entered,
The john32 contents are pulled from the database and display.

I am thinking to have an index.php page to capture
the username and since no such folder it will be sent to
a 404 not found page which will then query the database with
the username and redirect to a generic index.php which will pull
the contents fr the database.

I got this idea when i sign up for a facebook account
and i got a site, my limited knowledge
tells me that it should not be that facebook creates every
folder for every user, it should be some kind of redirect use.

It seems many website uses this concept
but i am quite a newbie.

Any advice with some examples ? Thanks.
Posts: 1
Joined: 17. July 2012 17:21
Operating System: windows 2003

Re: How to setup virtual site name for register users?

Postby JJ_Tagy » 18. July 2012 07:32

I believe you are talking about a url rewrite.
Posts: 788
Joined: 30. January 2012 13:44
XAMPP version: 5.5.15
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro x64

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