[solved]Xampp and Perl issue

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[solved]Xampp and Perl issue

Postby Yoshiro » 07. May 2012 09:50

Hello Xampp community,

Im new to all the web technologies so i apologies if what i say may seem to lack sense from time to time.
I'm learning perl and i installed xampp 1.7.7 as a local server so i can run/test some scripts. Im running Win 7 and installation was done straight on C:'\

Apache seems to be running very good, i copied my web site file structure to "C:\xampp\htdocs" directory and i can see the index and all links under localhost very well.
Next i put my script in the "C:\xampp\cgi-bin" directory. Problems encountered: if i access the script as "localhost/cgi-bin/myscript.cgi" it works fine but if i access it through my html link from the html page it just displays the code from the myscript.cgi file.
The same happens if i change extension to .pl

this is how i start the .cgi file:

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";

code following

and this is the tag from the html doc:
<form action="C:/xampp/cgi-bin/myscript.cgi" method="post">

So my question is what am i doing wrong? do i need to have something in my html header to recognize perl scripts?

Ps. i hope im posting at the right section of the forum.

Thank you,
Posts: 2
Joined: 07. May 2012 09:36
Operating System: win 7

Re: Xampp and Perl issue

Postby Yoshiro » 07. May 2012 11:29

Problem solved. the form action needs the localhost path not disk path. Thanks to the monks.

Posts: 2
Joined: 07. May 2012 09:36
Operating System: win 7

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