Xampp GUI / Front End ?

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xampp GUI / Front End ?

Postby VreebieZ » 12. February 2004 17:20

Hi.. Is there any GUI / FrontEnds available for this Xampp kit?
I bet it will be very useful for newbies (like me for ex :))

I've been using EasyPHP gui for a while. They have a very nice, easy and simple GUI. But unfortunately they didn't keep it up with new releases of a.m.p (which may contains good improvements and security patches).

And besides, xampp kit bundled more softwares.
So please compile us (newbies) a GUI o programming gurus.. pls pls pls..
Posts: 3
Joined: 12. February 2004 17:12

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