Xampp - mysql [SOLVED]

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Xampp - mysql [SOLVED]

Postby smeagol123 » 26. January 2012 18:01

I have installed Xampp in Windows 7.
I have set a password for the user 'root' in phpmyadmin.
I have placed the files of my website in C:\xampp\htdocs directory and uploaded the database of this website to my server using phpmyadmin.
Then when I try to load this website in my local host by typing localhost\name I get the following message

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli_Exception' with message 'Access denied for user 'name'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'

What does it mean? Does it mean that it cannot connect with my database?
I receive the same message if I do not set any password for the user 'root'
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Re: Xampp - mysql

Postby hackattack142 » 27. January 2012 03:09

Access denied for user 'name'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Assuming you did not sanitize that message by putting 'name' in place of the real username and you are trying to log in as root, I would say there is probably a bug in your website. That message looks like it is trying to log into the database with username 'name' and you are getting access denied because that user either does not exist, has the wrong password, or does not have the correct privileges to perform the requested action.
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Re: Xampp - mysql

Postby smeagol123 » 30. January 2012 14:48

Ok that was the problem!!
I created a user 'name', granted him privilleges to this database and now it loads the site!!

Thank you!!
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Operating System: Windows 7

Re: Xampp - mysql

Postby Sharley » 30. January 2012 22:49

I will close this topic and mark it solved.

Please feel free to start a new topic if you have any more issues with XAMPP for Windows.
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