CHMOD 777 for Windows 7 1.7.4 [SOLVED]

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CHMOD 777 for Windows 7 1.7.4 [SOLVED]

Postby WHITELIONX » 16. December 2011 02:23

Ok so I KNOW it isn't actually CHMOD for Windows but I NEED to do it regardless of what it's called for Windows >.< So I have been looking around for a few hours to try to figure this one out. It seems I need to CHMOD a folder but obviously can't being I'm on Windows.

I use xampp 1.74 and NO updating is NOT an option at all. I am also using Win7 64bit therefore it is NTFS and not FAT32 :( If it HAD been FAT32 then apparently I wouldn't even have this problem (well done Microsoft yet another **** up).

The folder that needs CHMOD is in htdocs/Myfolder/data/logs, the folder in question is logs but how do I do it? I am under the impression I can do something with a .htaccess file but have no idea what I'm doing with that because I don't understand .htaccess

I have searched on this CHMOD for Windows but everything I have searched for and attempted to do just seems to fail or do nothing at all so please any help would be greatly appreciated.

I should also mention I am hosting locally there is NO middle man involved.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby Sharley » 16. December 2011 02:30

What are your symptoms that require a change in file permissions?

Normally Windows file and folder permission do not need adjusting.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby WHITELIONX » 16. December 2011 02:52

Hi Sharley, thank you for replying.

Well I have something that I am trying to do which involves uploading videos, everything seems to work fine such as the videos upload to sql and convert to .flv from .avi etc. But I was told because the output was not being sent that I should check for a log which simply wasn't where it should be, I was told that I probably needed to "CHMOD" the log folder but I am using Windows and I have no idea how I would go about "CHMOD" in windows?
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby Sharley » 16. December 2011 03:01

There is no CHMOD in Windows as you so rightly pointed out, there is no equivelant and none is needed.
WHITELIONX wrote:But I was told because the output was not being sent that I should check for a log which simply wasn't where it should be
Not sure I understand this as you say the uploads are working fine?

Did you check that the log folder is not read only by right clicking and select Properties.

If you want to make sure that no file or folder in XAMPP is read only then right click on the xampp folder and remove the default greyed out tick and then answer Yes to do all sub folders etc.

If your upload script is supposed to write a log file then check the script's configuration that it is writing to a folder or file in the htdocs folder tree.

Is your upload script compatible with a Windows Apache server?

Have you asked your issue of the script's author pointing out you are using XAMPP for Windows?
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby WHITELIONX » 16. December 2011 03:11

Ok I understand the part about right clicking the folder "logs" and then unclicking the tick for "read only" but for the logs folder it makes no difference because it reverts back to "read only" any way >.<

I have also spoken with the creator of the upload thing and it was him that said about CHMOD even though I stated I'm on Windows and yup it's designed for Windows as well as Linux. I'm not sure about the xampp folder thing because isn't it a bit unsafe to read/write everything?

I should also mention "If you want to make sure that no file or folder in XAMPP is read only then right click on the xampp folder and remove the default greyed out tick" makes absolutely no difference on Win7 because it reverts it BACK to read only.

Windows 7 has to be one of the worst OS ever and now they are bringing Windows 8 out so expect a barrage of "help me please" from anybody that uses the new OS lol.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby Sharley » 16. December 2011 03:18

That is the default setting and you will see it is greyed out and so not used.

Any file or folder in the htdocs folder tree has the CHMOD 777 equivalent permissions in Windows and is protected by the Apache web server - the htdocs folder is the server's DocumentRoot and so is read and write permitted.

Your script's author should know that there is no CHMOD in Windows.

What is this upload thing and I will take a look at it, though this is not in the scope of this forum but all the same I am curious about the quality of the author's work after coming out with the CHMOD statement for Windows he made.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby WHITELIONX » 16. December 2011 03:28

Firstly I have to say a massive thank you for continuing to help me with this and exactly as predicted I can do nothing about changing xampp from "read only" it will not change it even if I untick it because when I recheck it xampp is back to "read only" and this is a major problem that is with every Windows 7 user and does not affect anybody using an OS lower than Win7.

The site in question, and you would not be able to use the program anyway because you are using xampp 1.77 so the ffmpeg simply will not work for you. But the site which I got all this from (using the Windows folder and deleted the Linux folder because I didn't need Linux folder lol) is

So far I have managed to do EVERYTHING that is apparently "impossible" for Windows lol.

Oops I just noticed that you said it will be greyed out and it actually is lol.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby Sharley » 16. December 2011 03:40

As I said the htdocs folder is not read only in Win7 or any other Windows OS or you could not have installed XAMPP in the first place as the installation needs to write files and folders and as I also told you that the read only is greyed out and so is not in effect and can be tested by clicking on that greyed out tick until it returns with a sold tick which will indicate that now the folder or file is now read only.

Then click on it again until is is removed and then check again and you will once again see that the greyed out non effectual tick has returned.

Check other folders in your Windows Explorer and you will see the exact same behaviour.

Have you considered that the script has nothing to write to a log file?

Have you looked in the \xampp\apache\logs\error.log file to see if the server is finding errors in your uploads?

I have installed on my PC just about all XAMPP versions that I use for testing issues that pop up in these forums and so can replicate most issues if indeed there are any issues to be found.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby WHITELIONX » 16. December 2011 03:46

Ok well I have just emptied the log file because the error that was in there I actually knew what it was but other than that nope there was no error so it should have worked? I will test again to see if it gives an error.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby Sharley » 16. December 2011 03:53

Ok I see it and it points to " 'conversionLog' = BASE_PATH . 'data/logs/conversionLog.log'," I am guessing that I really need to point it to " 'conversionLog' = BASE_PATH . 'sqlupload/data/logs/conversionLog.log',"?
This path will not work in XAMPP you need to tell Apache the exact path in the form "C:\xampp\htdocs\Myfolder\data\logs\conversionLog.log" as it does not know what BASE Path means.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby WHITELIONX » 16. December 2011 03:54

Yup I know I already got that all figured out lol. BASE folder is but I needed it to check for BASE and then for the folder "sqlupload" Ok so Apache log tells me this?

The system cannot find the path specified.

Woah you mean I need to direct it the way you put it >.<
Last edited by WHITELIONX on 16. December 2011 03:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby Sharley » 16. December 2011 03:59

Yup I know I already got that all figured out lol.
You should read this 'how to post' announcement especially the part where is ask you to provide all details as we can't see your screen form here. lol

So it's all working now is it, lol?

Did you change all the paths in the config file, lol?

New users can find self help by reading these first, lol:
readme_en.txt file in the xampp folder.

Some useful reading that may help you help us to find suitable solutions:
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby WHITELIONX » 16. December 2011 04:07

Nope it's not working lol and it MUST understand BASE because I have to keep deleting the .jpg and .avi files it creates. It is cureently 98% working meaning it uploads the files converts them but doesn't actually put them to an output folder as the new .flv file if you understand what I mean? Let me show you what IS working and what isn't.

Code: Select all
'uploadPath'      => BASE_PATH . 'data/video/uploads/',  <<<---works
   'outputPath'      => BASE_PATH . 'data/video/output/',    <<<--not working
   'thumbPath'         => BASE_PATH . 'data/video/thumbnails/',  <<<---works
   'conversionLog'      => BASE_PATH . 'data/logs/conversionLog.log',   <<<---not working
   'errorLog'         => BASE_PATH . 'data/logs/errorLog.log',  <<<---not working
   'conversionScript'    => BASE_PATH . 'include/scripts/processVideo.php',  <<<----No idea
   'outputFormat'      => 'flv', // either 'mp4' or 'flv'  <<<----Not sure either.
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby Sharley » 16. December 2011 04:15

The Apache logs says it all and will continue to tell you the facts if there are any issues with paths or any issues the server has with filling requests.

WHITELIONX wrote:Nope it's not working lol and it MUST understand BASE because I have to keep deleting the .jpg and .avi files it creates. It is cureently 98% working meaning it uploads the files converts them but doesn't actually put them to an output folder as the new .flv file if you understand what I mean? Let me show you what IS working and what isn't.
Then your issue is with the script and not with XAMPP for Windows or indeed with this forum and so is now off topic.

You will need to continue your conversation for a solution at the link you provided above.

Topic closed.

Good luck. :)
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Re: CHMOD 777 for Windows 7???

Postby WHITELIONX » 16. December 2011 04:18

Thank you at least I know everything is already CHMOD for Windows :)
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