Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby sparkone » 11. April 2011 06:37

:arrow: Windows, Vista Home Premium
:arrow: Version 6.0.6002 Service pack 2 Build 6002
:arrow: X86 based
:arrow: C:/Windows/System 32
:arrow: Internet Explorer 9

I clicked ....
XAMPP Control Panel > Apache 'Start' > Admin button (for Apache on the XAMPP Control Panel........
Then it attempted to join... Local Host in IE9, but it failed =/ i got the error message as displayed in the image (link posted below)

This is all new to me. I'm competant with css/hmtl but php is all foreign to me atm. I need to learn XAMPP asap but have hit a brick wall. I followed as many different 'step by step' guides as i could find, but obviously still missed something? Any help to get this thing working would be great. Got a lot of code to write on here, but getting it up n running has left me bewildered =)

Print Screen Image of what i saw can be found at:
:arrow: ... ue%202.jpg

I'm sorry this is a little vague, i'm still getting my head around it all =P any questions feel free to ask, i will do my best to find the answers. I'll check back when i wake up :wink: I'd just like to know why it's not working :( I have spent ages surfin back n forth downloading/redownloading/checking/reading/learning/experimenting etc. I've exhausted all lines of thought so far.

Well thank you very much and i hope forward to hearing from someone soon. Peace.
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby Sharley » 11. April 2011 07:58

You misted the all important XAMPP version but I am assuming you installed 1.7.4 version.

1. Your firewall must allow traffic on port 80.

2. Drag this file C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file into your notepad text editor and make sure the first uncommented line looks like this localhost
If not then add this line as the first line after the comments and then save the file and try and access http://localhost again.

3. If you have this entry in the hosts file
Code: Select all
::1 localhost
then add this # to comment it out so it looks like this
Code: Select all
# ::1 localhost
save the file and try localhost again.
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby sparkone » 12. April 2011 10:03

Firstly, thank you for your reply...
I failed :roll:

i got a error message when i tried to save the ammended file
see here: ... obpic2.jpg

Guessing iv messed something up to do with local path? Going to look into it, but will be checking back here regular for any further comments/help. If it is obvious to you what is wrong, please don't hesitate to let me know :wink:

Many thanks...... P1

im expecting things to be a lot smoother once its actually up and running lol - must be nearly there -.-
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby Sharley » 12. April 2011 10:23

Here is a fix for the problem saving the hosts file in Vista.

Run Notepad as Administrator.
Find the shortcut for Notepad in your Programs list.
Right-click on it and choose "run as Administrator".

Now in Notepad do File>Open to get to the HOSTS file.

Make your changes and you should now be able to save it.

Code: Select all localhost
# :1 localhost
Delete the second localhost entry as you should not have 2 of them.

Retry http://localhost and now it should work if as you say Apache and MySQL are showing a green running in the XAMPP Control Panel.

If you have not done so already then you can alternatively disable UAC and log in as an administrator in Vista.
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby sparkone » 12. April 2011 10:37

This User is the Adminstrator (its the only account on my system)

I tried everything you mentioned above, but failed....

'right-click' note pad > Run as administrator > open > C:\>Windows>system32>drivers>etc>..........empty folder....

but if i enter C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts into the start menu search, it is there. It just won't let me edit it in any way >.<

Any ideas? (Big thank you for you time, help and patience) i'm totally stumped!
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby Sharley » 12. April 2011 10:54

Disable UAC and also display the contents of system folder and show hidden files in Explorer using Tools>Folder Options...
or in the Control Panel under Folder Options.

To disable UAC go to
Start>Control Panel>User Accounts
there you will find an option
Turn User Account Control on or off
just click on it and uncheck
User Account Control to help protect your computer
click OK.

You may have to restart Windows after completing the above 2 instructions.

Good luck.
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby sparkone » 12. April 2011 11:47

ok here's what i have done since my last post....

open notepad as administrator
open C:\Windows\system32\driver\etc\hosts > open in > Note pad > copy text > paste into the admin opened notepad file > saved the document as C:\Windows\system32\driver\etc\hosts > 'file exists. do i want to replace?' YES 8)

The 'Hosts' file now looks like this...
:arrow: ... obpic3.jpg

However, when i click the Apache 'ADMIN' button, on my XAMPP Control Panel, it still will not load :|
Soooo close but still so far :twisted:

:?: If this is the only account on the computer, and it is the admin profile, should i still try your recent UAC instuctions? I'm a little concerned about messin this profile up and blocking access to my computer lol (could maybe create a 2nd user profile in case of emergency)
I am now going to take a look at the UAC options... and see if there's anythin amiss
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby sparkone » 12. April 2011 12:00

I have turned the UAC controls off.
Will this option need to stay off after all is up and running?
It's not a problem either way but assume it does have some beneficial use?

Now to try connecting to Localhost again....
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby Sharley » 12. April 2011 12:03

The choice is yours so you can enable it again after you have sorted out this issue if you prefer...
...but remember how to disable it if you have unexplained issues again.
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby sparkone » 12. April 2011 12:07

Ugh it still won't connect to

Ran out of ideas ages ago :(

I know i'm a living nightmare but pleeaassee help me.... my brain has been extracted, soaked for a week in a vat of suphuric and hydrochloric acid, wrung out, baked in a kiln at 70000deg celcius, and the remains are currently being chiselled down as some postmodern art piece. :?

Any ideas as to what is wrong?
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby Sharley » 12. April 2011 12:19

We had better start again using a different installation method as it may have been corrupted.

Uninstall this installer version of 1.7.4 using the readme-en.txt file instructions in the xampp folder or the instruction on the XAMPP for Windows Home page.

Make sure that every thing is stopped and no ticks in the Svc check boxes and then EXIT the control panel before finally deleting the xampp folder.

Next download the ZIP version of XAMPP and extract it to the C:\ drive so you end up with C:\xampp

Now run the setup_xampp.bat file in the xampp folder (very important) - remember you can right click on any exe or bat file and select to run as an administrator in Vista if you can't run them by double clicking.

Next run the xampp-control.exe file and select Start for Apache and MySQL

When you see that Apache and MySQL are showing the green running, open your browser and type
Select your language and then exercise the demos to make sure that XAMPP is installed correctly.

Let me know how the above goes.
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby sparkone » 12. April 2011 13:57

ok i have downloaded the zip file...
my first attempt i think i used the installer (method A)

i am using method B this time round - i have just notice this caption in the setup instructions (marked with :!: ) on:

'Method B: "Installation" without the Installer

Unzip the zip archives into the folder of your choice. XAMPP is extracting to the subdirectory "[Ziel]\xampp" below the selected target directory. Now start the file "setup_xampp.bat", to adjust the XAMPP configuration to your system.

Like with the installer version, you can now use the "XAMPP Control Panel" for additional tasks.'

Maybe i did this, maybe not, i was half asleep by the time i had got round to setting it all up lol. Although i fail to see how doing that could have caused the issues i had lol.

Anyway, i am nearly extracted, i will post as a reply to this thread if a problem arrises, if no further problems arrise, i will reply 'problem solved'. Once again, thank you soo much for your help thus far. you're a star!
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby Sharley » 12. April 2011 14:06

For installing the zip version all you need do is follow my instructions above and it should work, remember that the XAMPP web site is created by German speaking authors and often in translation things don't turn out quite right.
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby sparkone » 12. April 2011 14:09

Ok here we go.... Problem number 1
Image of what i see: ... obpic4.jpg

I tried clicking 'Try Again' - nothing happens...
Should i skip? think i may have skipped it on the previous attempt? Possibility no.2 of what went wrong first time round :|

Btw - the google translation service seems to work fine :wink: just the odd name that may not display in english.
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Re: Can't get last bit working... Apache -.- pls hlp

Postby Sharley » 12. April 2011 14:15

I don't know what that is at all,

What are you using to extract the xampp folder from the zip file?

Best to open the zip file in winzip or winrar or 7zip and then drag the file into the C:\ drive.
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