Trouble activating Mercury by XAMPP

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Trouble activating Mercury by XAMPP

Postby Daniele.conci » 07. December 2010 13:17

Hello everyone!
i explain my problem:
i'm using XAMPP to test a website on localhost, developed using the CMS known as EZ-Publish.
Now i'd like to activate the SMTP Server, to allow the web-site information collector to send email to the email recipient address.
The first thing i tried to do is open the XAMPP Control Panel Application and press the "Start" button of Mercury. So the Mercury loader has been open, and now the application Mercury/32 is running.

Checking the Apache status i can still see that SMTP Server is deactivated. So something i got to do, but i can't find a guide to manage the Mercury/32 Control Panel, handling the Configuration -> SMTP Server panel.
Any idea of which steps i need to follow?!
Thanks for any answer and best regards for your works,

Posts: 3
Joined: 07. December 2010 13:11

Re: Trouble activating Mercury by XAMPP

Postby Daniele.conci » 07. December 2010 15:38

Found nothing useful! anyother can help?
Posts: 3
Joined: 07. December 2010 13:11

Re: Trouble activating Mercury by XAMPP

Postby Daniele.conci » 15. December 2010 16:47

I tried to follow JonB's suggestion, about Sendmail.exe, in xampp/sendmail/ folder, as appears in the reply viewtopic.php?f=16&t=42756&p=168406&hilit=sendmail+JonB#p168406

Actually what i did to handle it is the following:

1.install XAMPP IT ..
3.apache and mySql work fine!!!
4.checking the sendmail.ini file [it seems ok] sendmail.exe

but... ...the 5th point does nothing : a flashing shell appears, says "Error: no recipient found" and disappears... what did i do wrong in your opinion?

the INI file is as following:
# Example for a user configuration file

# Set default values for all following accounts.
logfile "C:\Program Files\XAMPP\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.log"

# Mercury
account admin
host localhost
from postmaster@localhost
auth off

# Set a default account
account default : admin

Someone has any idea about what the error message should mean?
Thanks all!
Posts: 3
Joined: 07. December 2010 13:11

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