IE8 doesnt delete my records

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IE8 doesnt delete my records

Postby croeltgen » 31. October 2010 15:21

something really weird is happing with my php/mysql in IE8.
I delete some records before I insert new ones. My code works perfectly fine with Safari and Chrome, but IE does something extraordinarily weird.

My code looks like this:

$del="DELETE FROM t_area_map WHERE area_ref = ".$area;
$resultdel = mysql_query($del) ;
echo "VD=".mysql_affected_rows(); =>on each run I get something like VD=16

folled (within a loop) immediately by:
$resultins = mysql_query("INSERT INTO t_area_map (area_ref, area_seq, area_latit, area_long) VALUES ($area, $seq, $p1,$p2)") ;
echo "V=".mysql_affected_rows(); =>on each loop I get something like V=1

After user interaction within the html, I call the same piece of code again (and as I said behaviour is fine with Safari and Chrome), but with IE I get the echo that he has again deleted some records, but, as opposed to the first execution, no deletion has occured in the db!
It looks like there would be a kind of "cache" database on which IE performs the delete the second time rather than the real database. What makes things even more weird is that the following INSERT is executed in the real database. I can reproduce this problem any time and also with any other table in my database - but only with IE8.

I am totally lost...
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Joined: 18. December 2008 12:22

Re: IE8 doesnt delete my records

Postby Nobbie » 31. October 2010 15:46

Wahrscheinlich hat IE8 einfach die ganze Seite noch im Cache. Die Datenbank kann IE8 nicht cachen, die ist auf dem Server und nicht auf dem Client.

IE8 has probably just the whole page in the cache. The database cache is not in IE8, but on the server and not on the client.
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