cake-script say i miss PHP MySQL liberies

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cake-script say i miss PHP MySQL liberies

Postby zahhk » 24. August 2010 11:18

When I use cake bake -app (the cakephp-scripts deb package) function it looks as if I miss PHP MySQL libraries. But I have installed xampp ( at opt/lampp), what could the problem be? I am using Ubuntu.
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Re: cake-script say i miss PHP MySQL liberies

Postby glitzi85 » 24. August 2010 18:12

Code: Select all
apt-get install php5-mysql
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Re: cake-script say i miss PHP MySQL liberies

Postby zahhk » 24. August 2010 21:17

Okey, but could you explain the difference between PHP and mysql liberties and what you get when you install lampp? I'm under the impression that I get two mysql servers.
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Re: cake-script say i miss PHP MySQL liberies

Postby glitzi85 » 24. August 2010 21:48

zahhk wrote:Okey, but could you explain the difference between PHP and mysql liberties and what you get when you install lampp? I'm under the impression that I get two mysql servers.

Could you please try to write understandable sentence. XAMPP installs an MySQL Server with all necessary libraries. The problem is, that /opt is not in the search path. So if you start a system program which needs an MySQL Library, it only looks in the system default paths (/var/lib, /usr/local/lib etc). One solution would be to tell these programs where they can find the libraries. In your case it is easier to let the system install the libraries from Ubuntu. They will work well with XAMPP and are also available in case you later change to Apache/MySQL of Ubuntu. The php5-mysql package contains the php libraries for connecting to MySQL. It will automatically install mysql-common, which contains the mysql-libraries. It will NOT install the Packet mysql-server, which would be the Ubuntu MySQL server.

If you want to know what the packages are for, please go to and search for it. Normally the package will have an description of its purpose.

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Re: cake-script say i miss PHP MySQL liberies

Postby zahhk » 25. August 2010 00:02

I'm sorry for not making myself clear. And thanks, your help is appreciated. I will test some stuff and if needed I'll return. Live long and prosper!
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