how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby fael097 » 12. February 2010 17:40

ok, i can access my sites via http://localhost/xampp/myfolder in my computer, but how can other people see it?
thank you
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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby Smackie » 13. February 2010 04:51

well if you have a router you will need to unblock port 80 (also on your firewall) and then you can give your friends your external ip you can obtain it at now you can also get a domain name and set it up for you computer and give that to your friends as well.. i hope that helps..

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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby fael097 » 16. February 2010 03:46

ok thanks bud thats what i needed to know, i have everything, i created a dns domain, i have the dns client so my ip will automatically be updated to my domain. i fowarded both 80 and 8080 ports on my router, but i cant access my freaking website. when i type my dns its the same when you type a invalid website, it says cannot be found, when i type my ip (at the moment it opens my router interface!!! most weird thing ever, because the router access ip should be a static ip like or something right... but nope, my current ip opens its interface. even if i try it opens the router interface... so i kinda need a little help here... thanks
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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby Wiedmann » 16. February 2010 10:53

but i cant access my freaking website. when i type my dns its the same when you type a invalid website,

Ok you can't, and someone else?
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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby fael097 » 16. February 2010 14:49

yea thats what i mean. i can access via localhost, but i cant via IP address, neither anybody else, im testing on another computer and its the same thing
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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby Wiedmann » 16. February 2010 15:47

im testing on another computer and its the same thing

This other pc is on the same LAN, or outside your LAN?
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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby fael097 » 16. February 2010 16:39

outside. it has a 3g connection.

im not sure, but i think the problem is that my modem is using port 80. i believe i cant disable it, since when i try to foward port 80 it automatically transform it to the 8080. but as far as ive seen xampps apache wont accept port 8080, only 80. im not sure at all tho
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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby Smackie » 16. February 2010 19:10

Well just a question i know alot of people made this mistake.. but did you forward port 80 for the computer that has the xampp on it? you wouldn't be able to view your site if for some reason your modem is using port 80. and to get xampp to accept port 8080 you will need to go into php.ini file and change the port from 80 to 8080.
Also you might want to make sure your Windows Firewall has opened the port 80
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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby fael097 » 17. February 2010 01:36

yea i did. this computer isnt in a lan, so its the only one using the modem. the other is just for testing purposes.
so basically my modem's config page, that one that usually is something like is using port 80 so when you type your current dynamic ip, it opens the modem's config page. i'll try to change apache's port to another one, maybe that can fix my problem, but im not sure what file contains default port information and where its located
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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby Willy92 » 20. February 2010 21:25

Try editing the http-xampp.conf file in the extra folder - xampp/apache/conf/extras this version of xampp has all external access blocked out of the box. You will find a section near the end of the file that is labeled something like new security enhancements - i just killed it all. You will also find further up the file that nothing in the xampp and a ton of other folders can be reached from outside - so remote config - using phpmyadmin etc is gone - change the order deny allow to order allow deny - delete all the specific file entries and add an allow from all. It is also missing Zend, most of the ini files are moved etc. If you have been using previous versions you will have to spend hours configuring to get everything going. PHP refuses to even run the phpinfo() from outside until you play with the php.ini which is now in the php directory - not the apache/bin directory. The sendmail function is changed - and the sample config file fails miserably - get one from a previous version and it works fine. It would have been great if there was some of this documented - I have not found any help here - but have found help in outside searches in Google. I have 3 xampps running - the two previous were a breeze - I have 20 hours into the last and still have less than 50% of things working - most php scripts fail -It took me hours of research to get everything visible from outside again on this version. I am trying to find an old installer so I can dump this one...its terrible from a user friendly perspective
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Re: how to put xampp online so othe people can see my websites?

Postby thuyquai » 25. February 2010 08:06

I encountered the same problem, I open port 80 and check port by, pfchecktool and they all say it's open. But when I type the ip:80 in the other computer outside my LAN it displayed Router config page. I check localhost Ok. I think some config need to fix :(
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