IE no longer recognize PHP filetype after URL rewriting test

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IE no longer recognize PHP filetype after URL rewriting test

Postby Smurof » 19. December 2009 16:02


I searched the forum but found no topic similar to my problem, please excuse me if this has already been discussed.

Several problems appeared after a test I made about URL rewriting, I will try to explain this as simply and precisely as possible.

The main problem is that, in a specific sub-folder, IE can no longer access to php files when the URL doesn't mention the .php extension (“can't download file / can't display this site”) and it opens a download window (open in notepad or save) when the extension .php is added, instead of accessing and running the PHP file.
In Firefox and other browsers, there is no problem in accessing the php files of this folder; in other folders, IE doesn't throw any error of this type.

There is a secondary problem related to XHTML+XML strict appliance, my pages seem to be more strictly interpreted by the browsers: before my test, on a page containing a </td> which should not be there, there was no error, after the test, the browser shows (logically) an XML error.
(My pages always have transmitted XHTML+XML content type, via the PHP header function and via the HTML meta tag.)

The only visible cause I can see is that I made several URL rewriting tests with a .htaccess file in this folder just before these problems appeared and at some time, there was an infinite loop caused by a rewrite rule which logically triggered an error (“Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error.”).
Before this test, there was no .htaccess file in the folder, and after the test, I deleted it; no change was made to any file in this folder except for the creation and deletion of the .htaccess file and no change was made to httpd.conf neither before the problems appeared.

Blatantly, these problems are related to content types and php files, but I can't understand how the problems are related and how these problems can happen with no modification other than adding a .htaccess file then removing it.

Any ideas or checkpoints are much welcome.
Thanks for reading.

Win XP Pro
Xampp 1.7.0
IE 7 (SP2)
Posts: 1
Joined: 19. December 2009 15:32

Re: IE no longer recognize PHP filetype after URL rewriting test

Postby Izzy » 20. December 2009 01:21

In Firefox and other browsers, there is no problem
Then you have to suspect IE is using a cached localhost page instead of loading a fresh page from the server.

Try deleting the Temporary Internet Files in IE and then try again.
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

Re: IE no longer recognize PHP filetype after URL rewriting test

Postby Kangaroo32 » 21. December 2009 05:51

Just restore the backups you made before changing any settings, and you should be fine.
Posts: 7
Joined: 17. December 2009 04:38

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