phpmyadmin not starting

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

phpmyadmin not starting

Postby ckosloff » 17. December 2009 02:12

Installed XAMPP 1.7.2 on Mandriva 2010 One Edition.
Install went through fine, no errors.
XAMPP tests fine when started from localhost.
However, phpmyadmin throws this:
"phpMyAdmin - Error
Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly."
Then I ran the /opt/lampp/security with no errors, but got same thing in phpmyadmin.
I have read the fix for user pma but it applies to XAMPP for Windows.
Same thing applies to Linux?
Carlos K.
Posts: 37
Joined: 10. May 2007 16:35
Location: South Florida

Re: phpmyadmin not starting

Postby ckosloff » 17. December 2009 02:20

Forgot to add.:
In status MySQL database shows deactivated.
Carlos K.
Posts: 37
Joined: 10. May 2007 16:35
Location: South Florida

Re: phpmyadmin not starting

Postby smckinnis » 17. December 2009 17:36

Sounds like mysql is not starting, phpadmin needs to connect to mysql as something, usually as root set by the security scripts.

See if mysql is starting when running lampp start. It should state it is coming up.

Check the daemon on the machine, and make sure mysql is alive. ps -aef | grep mysql is the way to see this, see if mysqld_safe has started.

If no, then go to lampp/var/mysql and look at the err log, ends with err. This should give you an idea why mysql is not running.

Some machines have a mysql already loaded, and this can interfere with the local xampp load. I used RHEL and it had mysql already installed, but a different version. So I had to delete it.

Happy hunting.

Posts: 4
Joined: 11. December 2009 23:49

Re: phpmyadmin not starting

Postby ckosloff » 17. December 2009 18:36

Please find below everything the shell reported.
How can I know if there is another instance of mysql running?
The error in phpmyadmin states that php started with errors, why?
Still cannot make sense out of this.

[ckosloff@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost ckosloff]# /opt/lampp/lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.2...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.
[root@localhost ckosloff]# ps -aef | grep mysql
root 8692 1 0 12:23 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/sh /opt/lampp/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/opt/lampp/var/mysql --pid-file=/opt/lampp/var/mysql/
nobody 8822 8692 0 12:23 pts/1 00:00:00 /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/opt/lampp --datadir=/opt/lampp/var/mysql --user=nobody --log-error=/opt/lampp/var/mysql/localhost.err --pid-file=/opt/lampp/var/mysql/ --socket=/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306
root 10411 8373 0 12:24 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color mysql
[root@localhost ckosloff]# cat /opt/lampp/var/mysql/localhost.err
091216 19:51:40 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /opt/lampp/var/mysql
091216 19:51:40 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
InnoDB: The first specified data file /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ibdata1 did not exist:
InnoDB: a new database to be created!
091216 19:51:40 InnoDB: Setting file /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ibdata1 size to 10 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
091216 19:51:41 InnoDB: Log file /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ib_logfile0 did not exist: new to be created
InnoDB: Setting log file /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ib_logfile0 size to 5 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
091216 19:51:41 InnoDB: Log file /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ib_logfile1 did not exist: new to be created
InnoDB: Setting log file /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ib_logfile1 size to 5 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer not found: creating new
InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer created
InnoDB: Creating foreign key constraint system tables
InnoDB: Foreign key constraint system tables created
091216 19:51:42 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 0
091216 19:51:42 [Note] PrimeBase XT (PBXT) Engine 1.0.08 RC loaded...
091216 19:51:42 [Note] Paul McCullagh, PrimeBase Technologies GmbH,
091216 19:51:42 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
091216 19:51:42 [Note] /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.1.37' socket: '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 Source distribution
091216 19:55:15 [Note] /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown

091216 19:55:15 [Note] Event Scheduler: Purging the queue. 0 events
091216 19:55:15 [Note] PrimeBase XT Engine shutdown...
091216 19:55:15 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
091216 19:55:16 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 44233
091216 19:55:16 [Warning] Forcing shutdown of 1 plugins
091216 19:55:16 [Note] /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

091216 19:55:16 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ ended
091216 19:55:20 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /opt/lampp/var/mysql
091216 19:55:20 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
091216 19:55:20 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 44233
091216 19:55:20 [Note] PrimeBase XT (PBXT) Engine 1.0.08 RC loaded...
091216 19:55:20 [Note] Paul McCullagh, PrimeBase Technologies GmbH,
091216 19:55:20 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
091216 19:55:20 [Note] /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.1.37' socket: '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 Source distribution
091216 22:54:22 [Note] /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown

091216 22:54:22 [Note] Event Scheduler: Purging the queue. 0 events
091216 22:54:23 [Note] PrimeBase XT Engine shutdown...
091216 22:54:23 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
091216 22:54:23 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 44233
091216 22:54:23 [Warning] Forcing shutdown of 1 plugins
091216 22:54:23 [Note] /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

091216 22:54:23 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ ended
091217 12:23:05 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /opt/lampp/var/mysql
091217 12:23:06 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
091217 12:23:06 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 44233
091217 12:23:07 [Note] PrimeBase XT (PBXT) Engine 1.0.08 RC loaded...
091217 12:23:07 [Note] Paul McCullagh, PrimeBase Technologies GmbH,
091217 12:23:07 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
091217 12:23:07 [Note] /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.1.37' socket: '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 Source distribution
[root@localhost ckosloff]#
Carlos K.
Posts: 37
Joined: 10. May 2007 16:35
Location: South Florida

Re: phpmyadmin not starting

Postby ckosloff » 17. December 2009 18:38

Wiedmann! Wo bist du?
Carlos K.
Posts: 37
Joined: 10. May 2007 16:35
Location: South Florida

Re: phpmyadmin not starting

Postby ckosloff » 19. December 2009 04:58

Just to let you know.
Installed XAMPP 1.7.2 on Linux Mint 8 for x-64 and it went through like a charm.
Obviously there is a problem with the Mandriva distro.
Will uninstall and try again.
Still no answers...
Carlos K.
Posts: 37
Joined: 10. May 2007 16:35
Location: South Florida

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