Cannot get my website working with DynDns, Appache, Linksys!

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Cannot get my website working with DynDns, Appache, Linksys!

Postby Dominiczek » 12. September 2009 00:20

Hello Guys!
I'm Dominik
I am spending a lot of time on hosting my website on my pc home server.
I can not get it to work from outside, from inside the router windows shows up.
I have Linksys Router WRTU54G-TM, and Comcast ISP - which is a bitch, because they did not let me get static ip, even additional IP, even additional account. So I have Dyndns Updater, for now I have a free domain name just for testing, if I will get it to work, I am going to buy a couple of dyndns domainnames, for my dream websites. I forwarded the ports listed below. Do I need to do the triggering port stuff? DNZ is enabled. DHCP is enabled. Firewalled is disabled in the router. is set up in the router, because it's got the option for it.

If I don't have static ip, and I have Comcast should I set my TCP/IP in Local area connections to static or what or I should leave to obtain automatically?

Looks like that dyndns is working properly. Is there any way I can check if it works properly?

I am using appache 2.0 as a server. I added there ports; 80, 8080, 443, even 21, 22, 23, 25. The IP is the same as my ISP's. The domain name is - again just for testing for the start.
In the host file in my windows my ip is set up to the same as my ISP and domain name.

I have Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
I forwarded the ports in Windows Firewall.
I have windows Defender
I have Kasperky Antivirus, free one - which is the best - I totally recomend it.

If I forgot something to provide, just aske me questions. Sorry for too much questions, but I am sure that my experience will help somebody in the future.
I hope you can help me out here, I really need these website to work.
DynDns guys help me out please!

Guys Thanks in advance!
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Joined: 12. September 2009 00:13

Re: Cannot get my website working with DynDns, Appache, Linksys!

Postby dmphotography » 12. September 2009 17:42

Dominiczek wrote:I have Linksys Router WRTU54G-TM, and Comcast ISP - which is a bitch, because they did not let me get static ip, even additional IP, even additional account.

I've had Comcast in the past and ran my own personal web server from it. . . you really don't need a static IP with them because as long as you have your computer on and connected, it's almost never that they change your IP. ( I think mine may have changed every 3 months or so if even that). Normally it would only change in the event of a power outage that lasted for a good while.

Dominiczek wrote: So I have Dyndns Updater, for now I have a free domain name just for testing, if I will get it to work, I am going to buy a couple of dyndns domainnames, for my dream websites. I forwarded the ports listed below. Do I need to do the triggering port stuff? DNZ is enabled. DHCP is enabled. Firewalled is disabled in the router. is set up in the router, because it's got the option for it.

I highly recommend looking into You can set up to 5 zones (domain names) free of charge and I've had nothing but a great experience with them.
As far as your router configuration goes, all you need to do is set up port forwarding and make sure you're sending it to your server's IP.
Everything else you can probably leave "as is". I wouldn't recommend disabling the firewall in your router because that helps protect you. I've got a tutorial on port forwarding here:

Dominiczek wrote:If I don't have static ip, and I have Comcast should I set my TCP/IP in Local area connections to static or what or I should leave to obtain automatically?

Don't change anything on your pc. You'll only cause yourself headaches.

Dominiczek wrote:Looks like that dyndns is working properly. Is there any way I can check if it works properly?

I am using appache 2.0 as a server. I added there ports; 80, 8080, 443, even 21, 22, 23, 25. The IP is the same as my ISP's. The domain name is - again just for testing for the start.
In the host file in my windows my ip is set up to the same as my ISP and domain name.

dyndns will work correctly as long as you have it pointed to the correct IP. Do note it will take up to 24 hours for it to update to your IP, but usually it's more like 30 minutes to 1-2 hours. The same is true for any DNS services.

As far as the ports go, I wouldn't open any that you don't ABSOLUTELY need. The FTP protocol is a very insecure one, which is why you'd open 21, so I'd be very careful on that one. using a VPN (such as Hamachi) for your FTP server is by far the best solution in my opinion for still having remote access.
There's a tutorial on my website on how to do that as well, just search for Hamachi.
If you're just connecting to it over your LAN, leave the port closed in your router configuration and just connect straight to your server via the server's local IP, which will be something like Ports are not blocked over LAN networks in most cases unless you're using a router above a consumer home-use model, so there's no need to open them just for local access.
The only port you really should need open is 80 and ONLY if you are using SSL will you need 443, which in most cases you won't be using it.

I highly recommend you not modifying your hosts file, especially if you don't know what you're doing. This won't help your server run or be publicly accessible. Instead, you're probably causing yourself more problems.

Dominiczek wrote:I have Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
I forwarded the ports in Windows Firewall.
I have windows Defender
I have Kasperky Antivirus, free one - which is the best - I totally recomend it.

I'm not sure if Kasperky has a firewall or not, but you will need to add the exceptions to it as well. Normally your firewall programs will prompt you when you start Apache, letting you know that it is blocking it and allowing you to allow it as an exception.
Windows Firewall sucks. I'm not sure of a good free firewall by itself, but Comodo makes a free internet security package that has both an AV and Firewall combined and it's a pretty decent firewall.
When you've got open ports on your network, a good firewall is essential for protecting yourself against hacker attacks.

It can be a bit confusing at first, but once you get it figured out, you'll be hosting your own website(s) for the world to see. Security is always an issue, so the more research you do to take preventative measures, the better. The biggest thing I can't stress enough is MAKE BACKUPS! It's easy to get lazy, but if your server does get hacked, the only way to recover is from backups and if they're outdated, you end up loosing valuable information you can't get back. Don't start hosting sites for others either. Each person you allow access to your server is a potential thief with keys to your house. It's not a good idea no matter how "cool" they seem online.

I've tried to structure my site in a step-by-step way for doing just what you're trying to do, so if you want, go take a look and see how far you get. If for some reason you run into a problem, just let me know and I'll help ya and update whatever information is wrong or not clear.
For great video and written tutorials and guides on creating your own web server and installing things such as forums, blogs, etc., visit
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Re: Cannot get my website working with DynDns, Appache, Linksys!

Postby Dominiczek » 12. September 2009 21:33

Thanks for the Reply!

I took a look at your site. I am just not sure about Mac Address. In my router I have a MAC Address Clone tab and Mac clone is disabled. Should I enabled it? and if I do it what do I supposed to do with this address.

As far as your router configuration goes, all you need to do is set up port forwarding and make sure you're sending it to your server's IP. -------- about this I set up my the port forwarding 80 in the router and in appache to my external ip address that's how it supposed to be right?

I forgot to add earlier one thing. What about windows services?

Last edited by Dominiczek on 12. September 2009 21:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cannot get my website working with DynDns, Appache, Linksys!

Postby dmphotography » 12. September 2009 21:44

Dominiczek wrote:Thanks for the Reply!

I took a look at your site. I am just not sure about Mac Address. In my router I have a MAC Address Clone tab and Mac clone is disabled. Should I enabled it? and if I do it what do I supposed to do with this address.

Read what I wrote previously . . . I didn't say anything about cloning your MAC address or needing to modify it. You don't need to do anything else. Plain as that. If anything, you need to go back and reset all of the settings you've already changed.

Dominiczek wrote: about this I set up my the port forwarding 80 in the router and in appache to my external ip address that's how it supposed to be right?

You don't need to modify ANYTHING additionally!!! You're changing settings that are not necessary and you're only causing yourself problems.
Set everything back to default and then make the adjustments I've listed.

Dominiczek wrote:I forgot to add earlier one thing. What about windows services?

What about them? Windows has some and uses some. Don't mess with them or windows may get mad and eat you.

If you're talking about running Apache and MySQL as services, you can do so if you want them to automatically start when Windows starts. It saves you the trouble of having to manually start them every time you restart your computer.

Dominiczek wrote:Can I give you may be my email so I can get it to work quicker? I will post these replys here? It is


I would remove that email address if I were you.
Spambots will have a hayday with an actual address and it's never a good idea to publish your address publicly. I added you on MSN messenger if you want help quicker. Otherwise post here.
For great video and written tutorials and guides on creating your own web server and installing things such as forums, blogs, etc., visit
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Re: Cannot get my website working with DynDns, Appache, Linksys!

Postby Dominiczek » 12. September 2009 22:55

What I am telling you that I already forwarded the ports to my IP, I did not add anything!

What other suggestions do you have? Could you analyze my first post again and suggest something?

I don't care about that email, but I removed it to make you happy.

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Re: Cannot get my website working with DynDns, Appache, Linksys!

Postby dmphotography » 12. September 2009 23:21

If you're still unable to connect, re-verify your IP is set correctly in your router's configuration. If it is not set to the correct PC's IP address, then it won't work and it MUST be right. Also, test it on your LAN if you have another PC. This is one simple step in the process of elimination. So from another computer, you'd go to the local IP address of your server, such as

If it connects, then it's a problem with your port forwarding settings or some other setting in your router. If it does not, then you have a firewall blocking port 80 or some other setting is off in your server's settings. Try http://localhost and make sure apache is working correctly.

If it connected locally over your LAN, next try your public IP address from another computer besides your server.
You can get that by going to:

Once you test that and you successfully connect, then you've narrowed it down to being a problem with dyndns settings not properly forwarding to your IP address. This is an issue you'll have to resolve with them if this is the case.

That's the best way I know to troubleshoot it in a step-by-step approach and keeping it simple.
For great video and written tutorials and guides on creating your own web server and installing things such as forums, blogs, etc., visit
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Re: Cannot get my website working with DynDns, Appache, Linksys!

Postby Izzy » 13. September 2009 00:52

@ Dominiczek

No need to hijack another's topic by cross posting with this same subject as you will be responded to in the one topic only and is it decidedly bad forum etiquette here.

Please delete this hijack post:
in SirChick's thread at:
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