Nothing but blank pages for php files...please help!

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Nothing but blank pages for php files...please help!

Postby Tyree » 10. September 2009 03:14

I literally had XAMPP working perfectly just 5 hours ago. SOMETHING happened and I began to get erros sayng Apache Server had stopped working every time I tried to load a page. So, I finally opted to reinstall.

I saved my working httpd-vhosts.conf file so I could put the virtuals back in the way I had them. My windows hosts file was doing its job directing my browser to the virtuals. No problem. Worked perfect.

After the reinstall, html files, the XAMPP opening page, even phpMyAdmin open fine. But, trying to load any php file from any of my sites results in a plain white page. Viewing the source of the white page reveals nothing but doctype, html, head, meta and body tags. No content whatsoever. Under that same virtual, I can manually type in an html page and it loads just fine. So, I know my virtuals and hosts file setups are good to go. It just doesn't seem to be parsing php for some reason.

I do not use short php tags. As I said, everything was working fine 5 hours ago with a virtually out-of-the-box XAMPP setup. I changed nothing in the php.ini file.

I am completely not understanding what has changed to make things crash and burn. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

Posts: 27
Joined: 10. September 2009 03:02

Re: Nothing but blank pages for php files...please help!

Postby Tyree » 10. September 2009 04:11

Nevermind....after several hours of troubleshooting over and over. I noticed that I could get the server to parse simple just an echo of some text. That was a clue, but I still couldn't get it narrowed down. Tried excluding certain chucnks of code to narrow it down further. No luck. Then, right before I go to bed, defeated, it dawns on me: After reinstalling XAMPP I never went back to set up the MySQL users again. The pages I was testing had an include file which started off wanting to log into MySQL with a username that didn't exist!!! I put in the user and everything works perfectly!

Odd that it would just quit and not shoot off an error. Oh well.

False alarm!!! :D

Posts: 27
Joined: 10. September 2009 03:02

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