PHP config problems with Xampp

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PHP config problems with Xampp

Postby TonyLeBlanc » 06. July 2009 17:11

Computer os Vista 64 bit. I downloaded xampp for windows, since the dating program that I'm working on was done with PHP using Linux. Now all my installation with Xampp went smooth and both apache and Mysql are running. I'm rumming under localhost since I want to be able to see my changes locally. I can see my database .sql files and tables with the PHPmy admin and everything looks fine. Now!, this is the problem I'm encounting; when I type in my browser the index page load fine, I can even go to registration and register all the personal information, then I click the register bottom and it send me to the login page, were you are supposed to type User: and password to go to your page, well this is when things dont work; the page loads blank. If I go to myphpadmin I can see the information that I wrote during registration, so my database is receving the info. This also happens when I try to go to administration console, when I type user and pass I get a blank page. Does anyone knows!!!!!!!
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Joined: 06. July 2009 16:53

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