Can't access xampp from internet

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Can't access xampp from internet

Postby johannesh » 18. April 2009 22:48

Hi ;)
I did /opt/lampp/lampp secure (security?) ... now I can't see my webpage from the internet at my ip:8080.. Firefox says it senses some at port 8080 but can't really open it, yay! :P
Can someone give me some super-ish commands to run, so I can get it up running again? :D

Also, a question: is xampp any good for internet hosting.. I'm a real noob, so didn't manage to setup apache with mysql and phpadmin on my own :P

Thanks :D

EDIT: I might have to unlock more ports than just 8080? How many ports do I have to unlock/open to make xampp accessible from the internet? I had a lot of open, but I had to restart my router.. So both my router and xampp is not working :P
Posts: 2
Joined: 18. April 2009 22:43

Re: Can't access xampp from internet

Postby omgwtfbbq » 19. April 2009 11:32

First, your httpd must be running (you must do /opt/lampp/lampp start)
Check out if it's working by going to
now I can't see my webpage from the internet at my ip:8080

Could you see it before? It might be that you're behind a firewall/router that's not forwarding properly or blocking the connection.
Fcuk port 8080, by default http's running on port 80, can you reach it on port 80?
Good for internet hosting? IMO it's the best package out there and it's really noob friendly ;)

So answer these questions:
Can you reach it on
Have you ever managed to reach it from the internet, outside your network?
Posts: 2
Joined: 18. April 2009 16:36

Re: Can't access xampp from internet

Postby johannesh » 19. April 2009 15:24

Yes I have managed to reach it over the internet on port 8080.. It's after I did that /opt/lampp/lampp security that I cannot..

Thanks for answering :)
Posts: 2
Joined: 18. April 2009 22:43

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