Two perls Installed

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Two perls Installed

Postby Steve » 04. November 2003 23:16

I have two versions of perl installed now!!

one of them is the one that came with redhat and the other is the lampp one.

now my programs see the redhat one and when i install a cpan module using webmin it goes to teh lampp perls dir.

how can i remove the redhat version of perl so the lampp one sticks?

Postby Guest » 09. November 2003 16:29

** bump **

Postby Oswald » 09. November 2003 18:44

It's not easy.

Your RedHat Perl is importent for your system. So you can't deinstall it.

Your XAMPP Perl may be importent for your web apps. So you can't deinstall it.

I know that is no solution. But that's the truth! ;)

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Postby Steve » 10. November 2003 22:53

i thought that was the case

i have temporeraly just replaced the perl binarys to symlinks to the lampp binarys...

i still have backups of the original files tho so it should be ok :)

Postby Oswald » 10. November 2003 23:06

Great idea!!! :)

Please report if you encounter any problems! It would be very kind!!

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Postby Steve » 11. November 2003 23:41

Well there have been none yet. its not exactly a massive system tho. most of the services are lampp anyway!

just the mailserver and dns server that arnt

i might install an IRC server later on but as you can see i dont think it will effect tomuch

Postby halcali » 11. June 2005 00:20

Steve wrote:i thought that was the case

i have temporeraly just replaced the perl binarys to symlinks to the lampp binarys...

i still have backups of the original files tho so it should be ok :)

"replaced the perl binarys to symlinks to the lampp binarys..."

how exactly would i do this? (could you explain the actual process/commands?)
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Postby Kristian Marcroft » 11. June 2005 16:07


Code: Select all
mv /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl_ori
ln -s /opt/lampp/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl

should do the trick.
So long
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Postby halcali » 11. June 2005 17:42

Kristian Marcroft wrote:Hi,

Code: Select all
mv /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl_ori
ln -s /opt/lampp/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl

should do the trick.
So long

i did the above.

i am still having problems though. i installed rrdtool for a webmin module after doing the above, but the rrdtool files the module needs got installed to


so when i run the module i get the following error....
Software error:

Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /opt/lampp/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i686-linux /opt/lampp/lib/perl5/5.8.6 /opt/lampp/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i686-linux /opt/lampp/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /opt/lampp/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at line 33.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 33.
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Postby Kristian Marcroft » 11. June 2005 18:34


then your Problem is another...
Webmin installs perl modules to the system perl.
please check the perl modul in webmin to change the Path.

I'm not quite sure where you have to change it, but I'll think of it for the next webmin release.

So long
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Postby halcali » 12. June 2005 05:31

rrdtool is not a perl module, so i installed it via the command line / rpm not through webmin.

have you or anyone else gotten rrdtool installed so that it puts files in the xampp perl folder instead of the system perl folder? if so how did you do it?

rrdtool is the engine for my server stats webmin module (sysstats/webminstats) so i need to figure out how to get it installed.
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