Redirecting not only for "Browser requests..."

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Redirecting not only for "Browser requests..."

Postby dognose » 25. February 2009 17:05


im running several sides and servers on my root server. For every side im using virtual hosts,
to decide, which content should be loaded.

(this form:)
Code: Select all
<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName subdomain.domain.tld
   DocumentRoot C:/public/www_root/SideA

This Works fine, for all Requests of a browser.

On Port 8767 ive running a teamspeak server. Each User has do connect by domain.tld:8767.

Is there any possibility to make the apache forward the subdomain ts.domain.tld to domain.tld:8767?

I tried this with ProxyPass, Redirect, but both commands seems to "need" the http:// in front of the target -
which is not my intention....

Posts: 3
Joined: 25. February 2009 17:00

Re: Redirecting not only for "Browser requests..."

Postby Nobbie » 27. February 2009 14:40

dognose wrote:Is there any possibility to make the apache forward the subdomain ts.domain.tld to domain.tld:8767?

Yes, if the domain.tld:8767 supports HTTP Protocoll.

dognose wrote:I tried this with ProxyPass, Redirect, but both commands seems to "need" the http:// in front of the target -
which is not my intention....

... but which is a "must". Apache is a HTTP Server, and serves and "understands" HTTP. You cannot route/redirect any streams or contents via Apache Proxy, it must be HTTP conform. The "proxy" (as well as the reverse proxy) means a "HTTP Proxy".
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