Incorrect Instructions for Mac OS X

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Incorrect Instructions for Mac OS X

Postby midpath89 » 04. February 2009 01:56

I am very new at this. After installation and tried to start XAMPP with the following returned a file not found message:

/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp start

Is that instruction incorrect? Yes, I have logged in as an administrator first.

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Re: Incorrect Instructions for Mac OS X

Postby jlukar » 04. February 2009 03:14

I always run Xammpp using the Xampp Control Panel. just do Apple-Space, type in Xampp and then type you admin password. The GUI gives you start/stop/reload buttons.
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Re: Incorrect Instructions for Mac OS X

Postby midpath89 » 05. February 2009 19:45

Fantastic! Thank you for that!
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Re: Incorrect Instructions for Mac OS X

Postby Nanjenchan » 09. February 2009 11:56

Hi People,

I was receiving the same message.
Then I discovered that the "xamp" file that shoud be in that directory problably have a typing error because the name is "mampp".
I see that you have solved the problem, but you have to type in terminal:
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/mampp start

Just a little typing mistake of the developer?

I`m also very new at webdesign and programming. (and very lost :lol: )
Greetings from Brazil.
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Re: Incorrect Instructions for Mac OS X

Postby riddle » 10. February 2009 17:40

The state of the documentation is worse than that. The installation instructions refer to a .tar.gz file and say to do an sudo on the command line, but in fact the download is a .dmg file which uncompresses to a .pkg package. It made me wonder whether I'd downloaded a trojan horse.

As the cherry on top, the instructions say "If you get any error messages please take a look at the MacOS X FAQ" which points you to a doc that says only, "This part of the page is still under construction."

I'm thinking, is this is the *easy* [LXM]AMPP package, imagine what the hard one is like! :-)

The undocumented XAMPP Control Panel app looks great but I note that it doesn't have a "security" function like the command-line mampp does.

So... if I stumbled through the download and install of ... -0.7.4.dmg and ran "sudo /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/mampp security" by hand, should I be okay? Or am I being gullible to install a package with this many security implications without proper documentation?
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Re: Incorrect Instructions for Mac OS X

Postby riddle » 10. February 2009 19:28

One more tip for newbies like me trying to get up the first step:

I followed the recommendation to run "mampp security", after which PHPMyAdmin couldn't talk to MySQL. Apparently there are a few more steps you need to go through to let various applications know when you set passwords.

I found the steps documented in this forum post:


But those instructions are written assuming you're sitting in the Applications folder when you edit the files, and furthermore there's a typo in one of the filenames. The full names of the three files where I inserted the passwords are:

Code: Select all

It would be nice if all of this were spelled out in the installation instructions... :-)
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Joined: 10. February 2009 17:22

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