Wierd PHP error

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Wierd PHP error

Postby dungeon keeper » 09. February 2009 11:46


I got this problem when trying to connect to mySQL database using mysql_connect(); function.

At first everything was fine, i was able to connect and manipulate the data, no problems. But then i changed username, and password to connect to database as a different user (I created another user for database), and i get error for last username i used with this function. I deleted that user from database because it was only a test username. I created new one, but function is still trying to connect with old username even i specified new one.

So for example,

At first i was trying:

$server = "myserver";
$username = "Guest";
$password = "Guest";
mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);

And i connected normally.

I deleted this guest user from database and created new one.

$server = "myserver";
$username = "Newuser";
$password = "Newpass";
mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);

And i get error:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'Guest' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\connection.php on line 9
Host 'Guest' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

The username is "Newuser" but i still get error for 'Guest'.

I reinstalled XAMPP because of this problem, restarted my PC but i still have same problem :?
dungeon keeper
Posts: 5
Joined: 08. February 2009 22:53

Re: Wierd PHP error

Postby Wiedmann » 09. February 2009 12:09

Host 'Guest' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

but function is still trying to connect with old username even i specified new one.

"Host" != "username".

Code: Select all
$server = "myserver";

You should use "localhost" as servername, if you want connect to your local MySQL server.
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Re: Wierd PHP error

Postby dungeon keeper » 09. February 2009 12:18

Thank you it works with localhost.

So if i put my DNS for my IP it wont work?

Edit: But the wierd thing is that it woked before and now it wont work
dungeon keeper
Posts: 5
Joined: 08. February 2009 22:53

Re: Wierd PHP error

Postby Wiedmann » 09. February 2009 13:29

But the wierd thing is that it woked before and now it wont work

This depends on, how you create the MySQL user (the host part for this user).
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