Access from other than localhost

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Access from other than localhost

Postby georgec » 29. January 2009 22:45

I have looked in the bin/my.cnf file for the setting "bind-address=localhost" to rem it out in order for me to connect to mysql from other than localhost. I am trying to connect via Sequel Pro but I get the error that only localhost may connect.

Am I looking in the correct file for this bind-address setting, because I didn't see it anywhere in the my.cnf file. Perhaps this is called somewhere else? If so, where may I check.

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Operating System: Windows 7 Pro 64b

Re: Access from other than localhost

Postby Izzy » 29. January 2009 23:52

I don't know what is Sequel Pro and is there not a configuration setting in Sequel Pro to connect to your mysql via localhost as this is the normal method - Sequel Pro gives you direct access to your MySQL databases on local and remote servers, form their home page.

Lots of info on their web site.

BTW is not this Sequel Pro an OS X open source app not a Windows app?

Therefore should this perhaps be in the Mac forums?
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Re: Access from other than localhost

Postby georgec » 30. January 2009 09:52

Yes, Sequel Pro is a OS X program and I am using it on my macbook pro. However, I am using XAMPP on my windows machine and it is the localhost that I am targeting from my macbook. When I try and access my machine by typing in the IP address of the windows pc in Sequel Pro, I get the error of not being allowed to access. That's why I would like to know where I can change this restriction on the Windows machine XAMPP to allow for other than localhost access to MySql.
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Operating System: Windows 7 Pro 64b

Re: Access from other than localhost

Postby Izzy » 30. January 2009 10:18

Make sure port 3306 is open in your router and or firewall perhaps.

Try adding :3306 to the IP you are using.

You may have to start mysqld at a command prompt in the mysql folder and that would be how you use
mysqld --bind-address=ip here

Have a read of this and see if it helps any. ... erver.html
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Re: Access from other than localhost

Postby georgec » 04. February 2009 18:06

Thanks for the reply Izzy. My error in the software client states Host 'MACADOO' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server.

Is there a setting in MySQL that would prevent any machine other than localhost from connecting?

port = 3306 (same as my client is trying to use)
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Operating System: Windows 7 Pro 64b

Re: Access from other than localhost

Postby dmphotography » 04. February 2009 23:10

My recommendation is why not put a MySQL database server on your Mac and save yourself the headaches? I personally tried remotely connecting to a MySQL databse a short while back and couldn't get it to work, so I recommend just installing XAMPP on your MAC so you can use that program instead of trying to access a MySQL database across your network.

In regards to your My.cnf file post, port = 3306 is telling the MySQL server what port to run on. In the event you needed to run a second or multiple MySQL servers on the same computer, you would simply configure them to run on different ports. 3306 is considered the default port for MySQL servers.

What Izzy suggested should work if it's going to work. Normally most personal/home routers don't block ports over the LAN, but you can check that and make sure port 3306 is forwarded to your computer with the MySQL server on it.

I still recommend doing a quick install of XAMPP and then removing it when you're done if you don't want to keep it. You can do what you're trying to do without any configuration to XAMPP, just a straight install.
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Re: Access from other than localhost

Postby garrettwinder » 05. July 2009 18:08

Just came across this issue as well.

Name: root@localhost
Host: localhost
User: root
Database: mysql
Socket: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql.sock

Leave Password & Port as is. Everything should work fine.
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