Strange thing...

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Strange thing...

Postby Guest » 29. October 2003 11:04

none of my images are showing up, even though the path is correct... the images show as broken

Postby Oswald » 29. October 2003 12:35

Do you using a real server (made out of hardware) or a virtual one like vserver?

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Postby Guest » 29. October 2003 12:50

it is a virtual private server.

is there any known problem with that? how to solve? thanks!

Postby Oswald » 29. October 2003 12:59

Yes. You can find the German thread here:

To summarize the thread you've to set

enablesendfile off

in your httpd.conf.

But I don't know exactly if it's working in your context.

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Postby Guest » 29. October 2003 13:06

erm, i cannot read German...

but anyway, it's working now! what's the rationale???

Postby Oswald » 29. October 2003 13:16

Great! ;)

Anonymous wrote:erm, i cannot read German...

Sorry, yes of course. I only wanted to point out it's not something I "know". I just read it there.

but anyway, it's working now! what's the rationale???

I'm not sure but I assume the sendfile support in virtual servers is broken. Sendfile let the kernel directly transmit a file without the help of a user process. In case of a virtual server this could be problematic to implement. Just a guess.

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