Mod_aspdotnet has this been dropped for 2.2 and later

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Mod_aspdotnet has this been dropped for 2.2 and later

Postby bwall » 05. November 2008 21:13

I have finally gotten back to my xampp server and have it back up and running after it took a virus a long while back. When i ran it previously i had mod_aspdotnet running and working when i had apache 2.0. I just upgraded my xampp setup and then tried to use the mod_aspdotnet 2.2. It installed successfully. I can see my sites on localhost, but now i cant access my site from the outside of my network.

Once i got it installed and looked at some of the on localhost, the server doesn't seem to restart correctly if stopped. It only seems to restart on reboots on the initial start. Since this I have managed to somehow not even be able to hit my servername from the outside even if I reset my httpd config to take out the mod_aspdotnet section in the httpd. I'm still looking at this issue. I wondering if just having the mod installed is preventing outside contact with my server by the servername.

I have all my sites hosted elsewhere since my server went down, because i did not have the time to fix things or manage it. I just want to have a site site on xampp, because i need to show it to others via the web. My current host requires me to setup another host account for my site.

Does mod_aspdotnet still work??? If not are there other options for running on apache?

Bob W.
Posts: 7
Joined: 19. August 2005 06:59

Postby bwall » 05. November 2008 23:49

I figured it out. It works. I had read some things on the internet that stated it had a bug issue and then did not see much more info on if it was ever fixed.

My servername in my httpd config file was off. I'm not seeing issues with getting apache to restart now.

The settings found on the web still work for this setup.

sourceForge now keeps the code from what i can tell. I downloaded the mod_aspdotnet from there and followed the instructions from the above link.
Bob W.
Posts: 7
Joined: 19. August 2005 06:59

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