no response from localhost

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

no response from localhost

Postby talldragon » 12. September 2008 18:32

I had a fresh install of xampp (xampp-win32-1.6.7-installer.exe), no errors, all seems fine (according to Xampp Control Panel). So typed in IE7 http://localhost

and then: waiting and waiting and .... no response.

So I checked all I know and found.... nothing wrong????

output of xampp-portcheck.exe

Apache (HTTP) 80 F:\DevHTTPd\xampp\apache\bin\apache.exe
Apache (WebDAV) 81 free
Apache (HTTPS) 443 F:\DevHTTPd\xampp\apache\bin\apache.exe
MySQL 3306 F:\DevHTTPd\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe
FileZilla (FTP) 21 C:\Gene6 FTP Server\G6FTPSERVER.EXE
FileZilla (Admin) 14147 free
Mercury (SMTP) 25 free
Mercury (POP3) 110 free
Mercury (IMAP) 143 free

In the task manager both services are running

My hosts file contains localhost ftpserver

Firewall (standard Microsoft) is set to "Only this subnet" for F:\DevHTTPd\xampp\apache\bin\apache.exe, but with firewall down, still no response

There are no messages in the apache\logs\*

I used WampServer (is uninstalled) which worked fine, but switched after advice of friends.

The http.conf is unchanged by me and this is a fresh install.

Also no improvement after reboot

--==[[ HEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!! ]]==--
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Joined: 12. September 2008 18:05

Postby talldragon » 13. September 2008 01:25

Problem solved

Just place

EnableSendfile Off
EnableMMAP Off

in your httpd.conf and voila. Found it on

but no idea what I'm doing.
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Joined: 12. September 2008 18:05

Postby pendaws » 13. September 2008 05:04

I am guessing that these settings are good but WHERE in this httpd.conf file do you put them????????

I have been trying to install phpBB forum onto a machine I have an it will NOT go to the http://localhost/phpbb/install/install.php page to set it up, all I get is a 404 error and that is it? All the other locla host pages work I just cannot get to the section to install phpbb forum :(

Here is the link I used to do it.
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Joined: 12. September 2008 15:05

Postby da233 » 13. September 2008 05:09

You need to put the phpbb folder in your htdocs folder.


will be


Basically the htdocs folder is the root folder of all your website related stuff :)

Give it a try
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Joined: 13. September 2008 03:57

Postby pendaws » 13. September 2008 09:55

That's where I did put it. :(
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Postby pendaws » 13. September 2008 13:09

Thank you all, fixed :D
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Joined: 12. September 2008 15:05

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