Xamp with IIS

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Xamp with IIS

Postby lsmathers0869 » 26. August 2008 20:11


I am installing Xamp on my server, but my server requires a website to run from IIS and on port 80. Is there way to install xamp with apache on a different port?


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Postby glitzi85 » 26. August 2008 20:44

Sure, just open the httpd.conf file in the folder xampp\apache\conf and change Listen to whatever you want.

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Postby Vulcan219 » 31. August 2008 09:04

I have a similar question to this, I am running a website with a standard IIS on the server I have, and want to run a forum from that site as well, how do I setup the apache to use the forum on that site, without having to change the port as well, I will give an example, the main site isn't in php or anything just a regular htm site, I have a theory but need to verify if I can do it, so here is the site and what I want to do.

This is the site, I want the forum in php to be here:

Okay my theory is I can go to the httpd.conf file and change the site path for the apache to call from the main sites /forum and that will make the forum call from php.

If I am right, please let me know, if not then how can I do this without having to change the port, I imagine this is the first question of this type, I hope I posted in the right forum thread, if not in the right thread, can someone move it for me, or I can delete and move myself.
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Postby glitzi85 » 01. September 2008 13:44


if you want to keep the IIS running, you have to change the port of either IIS or Apache, it is not possible to run 2 Servers on the same Port.

I do not understand what you want. I will use example.com as an example, as i don't think you are the owner of mysite.com, are you?

You have a forum running on example.com. Which server is serving this forum? IIS or Apache?

Then you want to get to the forum while calling example.com/forum. That would be done in Apache by setting an Alias, but for this the forum would have to run on Apache too.

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Postby Vulcan219 » 01. September 2008 17:16

You already answered what I was talking about, in the past I had s IIS website and for the forum part of the site I used the apache for that with the link being the /forum on the site, and had a different port access to the forum, I was just verifying that I had to have both the IIS and apache on different ports, basically I was seeking confirmation that I had to keep them on seperate ports, even though there are multiple sites on my server, using both formats. So now I know if I host sites with forums I have to have the site name with:different port/forum, for the sites forum, for the IIS sites and for the ones with the apache, that would be the normal link anyway. Which is no big hassle, just have to remember for the sites with the IIS, that have forums, I have to put in the port number to the apache for their forums, that is all. Thanks for the reply and help.

and the example mysite.com was my example, the mysite.com is on IIS, and the forum is on apache. for some reason the forum program likes to wor with apache php setup, than IIS php setup, so I run my forums through the apache, here is the example of how I do the site to the forums for now, I was trying to see how I can connect to the forum without having to have the : and port number in the website address to connect to the forum in apache.

mysite.com this is the IIS site without the apache
mysite.com:88/forum this is basically how I am linking it to the forum

I guess this may explain more what I was talking about, I was wanting to know how to link them without having to show the port for the apache, so the website connect to the forum looks cleaner, basically not having to show the :88 port connect. Does this help on the question?
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Postby glitzi85 » 01. September 2008 17:36


so it is basically an IIS Question, you can not do anything with the Apache Configuration here.

What you are looking for is a proxy Connection. All requests refer to the IIS, and the IIS is making a connection for you. Here an example:

Code: Select all
1) C:/documentroot --> IIS --> example.com
2) C:/documentroot --> Apache --> example.com:8080/forum
3) C:/documentroot --> Apache --> example.com:8080/forum --> IIS --> example.com/forum

Number 1 is the normal request, served by IIS as it is done now. The second one is the same request, just served by Apache. This is also how it is right now.
The third line is a combination of both using the IIS as an proxy. The user just calls example.com/forum, IIS makes a connection to example.com:8080/forum and serves the content transparent to the user.

You just have to configure IIS to proxy the /forum connections to the Apache Server. As I already mentioned, i have no idea how to do this in IIS, in Apache it would be done by ProxyPass: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mo ... #proxypass

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Postby Vulcan219 » 01. September 2008 18:04

Okay thanks now you have steered me in the right direction to solve the problem, when I search and find tthe answer, I will post it here for you and others that may have the same questions and problem, thanks again, this helps, me a lot on where to go to find the answers, now I have to go and search for them.
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Postby Wiedmann » 01. September 2008 19:18

and for the forum part of the site I used the apache

Why want you use Apache for the forum, if you have allready a webserver (IIS) up and running?

(Or why not use Apache for the whole website?)
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Postby Vulcan219 » 01. September 2008 22:12

For my particular website I use the apache, but there are others that have websites in asp, and I already have a forum setup on the server that they like and it is in php. So the other site owners want to use it in their setups. Don't ask me why they don't just want to take everything to php, I can't answer that, personally I like the apache and the php format on things. But I do host the sites with owners choice on things and help set them up with what they want. A personal touch you don't usually get with the big hosting companies now days. I usually do it for a hobby, but lately it has been making me some money, and with the personal touch to the customers, it seems to be gaining me ground now.

And I do thank all for the help on the question I had, and will look into things and see if the others will want to migrate to using the apache format, like I said I love it myself. But I have to be flexible and allow growth in any direction.
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Postby Wiedmann » 01. September 2008 22:26

I like the apache and the php format on things.
and see if the others will want to migrate to using the apache format

Just to make this clear:
PHP is not an "Apache format". You can use PHP with any Webserver, also with IIS.

but there are others that have websites in asp,

But you can't use ASP with Apache. (And there are also good reasons to use ASP)

In difference to ASP, ASP.NET you can use with Apache.
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Postby Vulcan219 » 02. September 2008 00:07

Oh I know you can use php with any webserver, but it runs with apache with no problems, sometimes with IIS it gives some problems, and like I said I personally like the apache myself, it is much easier to work with, and runs really well.

I also know there are good reasons for running asp as well.

Now knowing I can use ASP.net with apache, that will make for some new things to try now, thanks on that tidbit. Because I was thinking of upgrading to asp.net for the other sites, so if I do that I can bring them all under apache, thanks.
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