SSL Problem

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

SSL Problem

Postby thunderaeroi » 27. June 2008 13:25

Greetings, I hope you can help me.

I created a test SSL certificate with the makcert.bat file and everything was created correctly as far as I can tell. I am having two problems which I hope you can help with with.

1). When I use a URL like Http://, the webpage will load correctly; however, if I try with the SSL (https) the following happens:

a). the certificate error for IE comes up asking if I want to continue, and;
b). It says it can not find the page, even though i know its there and http: can find it.

2). When i point to, it asks for a password to access the page. Why is that?

Does anyone have any ideas, thanks!


it looks like when you are in SSL mode everything is based on the root for xampp. For example - works
https://ipaddress/ - works (still has certificate error though)

why does it do that?


Looks like i fixed the location problem by changing the starting folder in https-ssl.conf.

Now, the question is - how do you prevent directory access when not in SSL mode?
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Joined: 27. June 2008 13:18

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