Apache won't run

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Apache won't run

Postby Startup123 » 30. April 2008 02:41

I just installed XAMPP and when I press Start next to Apache, in the feed back it says:
Apache started [port 80]

However Apache is not running. The "Running" status doesn't appear, its button doesn't change and only stays at "Start", and there is no Apache process in Windows Task Manager.

The other software My Sql, Mercury, etc. are running as expected.

What could be wrong?
Recently I had a fresh reinstall of Windows XP and after that I changed to disabled or manual status some XP services that I believed were not essential. Could it be that Apache needs certain XP services to run?
Please help.
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Postby Xardas der Dunkle » 30. April 2008 05:56

What says the error.log?

Have you testet to start the apache, over the command-line?
The xampp-control-panel ist not the best way to start the xampp, because it don't show any error messages.

To start the apache: Press Windows-Button and the R-Button on your keyboard. Type cmd in the opened window.
A dos-window will be opened.
Change your directory with: "cd /D C:\xampp\apache\bin" (You have to change the path to you xampp-installation-path ;)). And press enter.

Now you can type in: apache -k start
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Postby Startup123 » 01. May 2008 00:10

Thank you Xardas der Dunkle,
That helped a lot.
Although I started it by just double clicking apache.exe in the bin folder. Is it OK to start it like that?
This opened an empty console window and now 2 processes with the name apache.exe are running in the Task Manager. And the XAMPP control panel now is showing that Apache is running. The funny thing is that, after I started apache like that, the XAMPP control panel can close it and start it.

Is this all normal?

I appreciate you help.
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Apache doesn't like Skype

Postby Startup123 » 04. May 2008 04:42

I just found out the cause of my problem with starting Apache.
It just can't start if Skype is running.
If I open Skype after I started Apache then it works without problems.
Why Apache doesn't like Skype when it starts?
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Postby Xardas der Dunkle » 04. May 2008 13:59

Skype listen on port 80 and 443, if you activated it. Switch of this and Skype and Apache will be friends:
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Postby Startup123 » 06. May 2008 03:41

Thank you very much Xardas der Dunkle.

I appreciate your help
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