Xampp Apache File locations

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Xampp Apache File locations

Postby micromart » 05. December 2007 00:21

I've already got Apache and MySQL installed on a SuSE 9.3 Linux box and I've just installed Xampp. Now it seems I have two installations of these programs and I have to disable one to get the other to work. I'm trying to install virtual hosts on the Xampp system but after a few hours of doing it I'm totally confused about which installation I'm working on.

Can someone please tell me where on SuSE 9.3, Xampp stores the Apache files that I need to edit to create virtual hosts. I think I might have been editing the wrong files.

I liked Linux and Xampp until the point where I realised that every distro seems to install standard programs such as Apache in different ways. A newbie like me needs specific instructions spelling out for each distro.

Any help appreciated to prevent total baldness resulting from this.
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Joined: 04. December 2007 14:41

Re: Xampp Apache File locations

Postby Scory » 05. December 2007 15:51

micromart wrote:Can someone please tell me where on SuSE 9.3, Xampp stores the Apache files that I need to edit to create virtual hosts. I think I might have been editing the wrong files.

It is (in any case) the file httpd.conf

For Xampp it is usually stored in /opt/lampp/etc, in SuSE 9.3 you may find it directly in /etc or /etc/httpd or similar.

You *may* enter your virtual host lines directly into httpd.conf, but Xampp is also pre-configured to separate the code into a single file which is included by httpd.conf, usually you will find this file in folder /opt/lampp/etc/extra and it is called httpd-vhosts.conf. You will find an appropriate include statement within httpd.conf in order to include this file - maybe you have to uncomment it for activating it. This is *not* a MUST, it is a CAN DO. You also may edit only httpd.conf and enter all configuration code there. This makes your file big and difficult to read, but it's the old fashioned way and it still works.


Xampp httpd.conf location

Postby micromart » 05. December 2007 21:44

Cheers Scory, I had been editng the vhost file in the first Apache installation under etc/apache2 and I had suspected this was wrong.

What I needed to know was about the xampp 'extra' directory as I want to keep my vhost config separate from the main httpd.comf file.

I guess having these different methods and locations makes Linux more flexible but you really have to know Linux well when trying to do stuff like this.

Thanks again mate.
Posts: 4
Joined: 04. December 2007 14:41

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