PHP work with MySQL how

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PHP work with MySQL how

Postby x4daniel » 25. May 2007 13:33

I am a new learner in this field so some one can point out few idea what is PHP and what is MySQL and how they work together. Can it work independent program itself?
What do I need to make it work together and what I will see at the end.

Posts: 4
Joined: 24. May 2007 17:23

Postby PatrickM » 28. June 2007 19:26

PHP is the code (uncompiled programming) that your website and or web application is written in. To display it most people use HTML as well which gives the front-end (what the user will see). MySQL is just the database which PHP will connect to on the server-side, to store and retrieve data. PHP does not require a database and can even use flatfiles to store data. MySQL is prefered for both speed and amount of data storage.

Hope this helps....
Posts: 2
Joined: 28. June 2007 19:16

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