Problem with MySql

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Problem with MySql

Postby HIB » 16. June 2007 11:23

I have just installed XAMPP on my Windows XP-system. Can’t get MySql to work.. The window Control Panel Application says that Apache is running. The ‘Svc’-box for MySql is marked. When I click on the Start-button I get the message: ”ERROR: MySql service not started [-1]. When I click on Status it looks like Apache is running (State 1) but MySql is not (State 0).

In Readme.txt there is the advice to click on ’mysql_start.bat’, but running that program results in following message:
MySql is trying to start
Please wait ...
MySql is starting with mysql\bin\my.cnf (console)
Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Invalid argument
070616 10:42:38 [ERROR] Do you already have another mysql server running on port: 3306 ?
070616 10:42:38 [ERROR] Aborting

070616 10:42:38 [Note] mysql\bin\mysqld: Shutdown complete
MySql could not be started

So it looks like MySql is running. I try to stop that server with running ’mysql_stop.bat’ and then run ’mysql_start.bat’. Now I get
Please don’t close Window while MySql is running
MySql is trying to start
Please wait ...
MySql is starting with mysql\bin\my.cnf (console)
070616 10:47:57 [Note] mysql\bin\mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.0.41-community-nt' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Edition

I have I feeling that the this program do not stop properly. I have to close the CMD-window.

Then I try to take away the market in the Svc-box I get I message box saying ”Click Ok to uninstall the MySQL Service”. But when I click Ok the box is automatically marked again.

In Windows services-window I can see that the service MySql is inactivated. It points to the program file ‘c:/xampp/mysql/bin/mysqld-shareware.exe’ that does not exists!? How come?

So what is wrong? What shall I do to get MySql to work?
Posts: 1
Joined: 16. June 2007 10:13

Postby Xodus » 17. June 2007 06:40

If you used the installer, un install it and try to install it into the default directory.
Posts: 12
Joined: 17. June 2007 06:31

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