New user help

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

New user help

Postby tims31 » 20. April 2007 09:24

I am trying to use XAMPP to demonstrate a website on a standalone laptop with no internet connection. XAMPP works fine and displays a normal HTML site fine but I am trying to show a php site and get the following error when trying to display this site "Unable to form a valid connection to mySQL. Please check that your e107_config.php contains the correct information."

Not really sure what details I need to change in here to allow it to run properly in XAMPP.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Joined: 20. April 2007 08:51

Postby KingCrunch » 20. April 2007 12:01

Seems to be not your own php-application ;)

You should check the information in the specified file, if they are correct to connect to your mysql-Server. Die mysql-information for the xampp-installtion can be found in the xampp-faq.
Unable to form a valid connection to mySQL. Please check that your e107_config.php contains the correct information.
Nicht jeder Fehler ist ein Bug ...
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Postby maxnorris » 21. April 2007 17:10

It's been a while since I've messed with E107. But it sounds like you didn't run the installer (which, among other things, sets up that config file) I'd double check the docs, but if I remember right you want to run the install.php file to get things going. It'll ask for database name, user name, password and all that good stuff.

(I'd use PHPMyAdmin to make a new user just for that database, don't use root for security reasons)
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Postby tims31 » 21. April 2007 18:59

I didn't write the site but I am the admin for the site and wish to show it to some of our team who are unsure how to use some parts of it. It will be at an event without any internet connection so I want to be able to show the whole site running from my laptop. I DO have all the passwords and database details but don't know how to get it to work with XAMPP.

the site is

When you say run the install, do you mean the windows installer that sets up xampp or another one?
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Postby maxnorris » 22. April 2007 01:16

The installer for E107. It'll set up the default E107 system (via running http://localhost/install.php or whatever the installer name is)

However, I just re-read your original post. Want a copy of your web site on a second machine. Do NOT run the installer.

Here's a dumbed down kinda sorta how you want to do it list.

First off, you'll want an exact copy of your original site's files. The installer should already be gone. (If it's not, remove it now, it's a huge security hole as anyone can blast your site into smithereens.)

Then, you need to edit the e107_config.php file to match your information. Most notably, you're looking for the database settings. Server name (on your laptop, most likely "localhost", user name, password, database name)

Then, you need to copy your database over. This will vary from system to system. If you're lucky, you'll have PHPMyAdmin on both computers. That'll make it super easy. Just have the regular server to a backup, then on your laptop import that data into a blank database.

In theory, you're more or less done. You'll probably have other settings to look after too (the domain name for the web site.. most CMS's have this, I forget if E107 does. If you see any references to your main web site in the config file, change it to localhost) and so on.

Hope that helps
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alternative to XAMPP

Postby hansBKK » 22. April 2007 14:47

If you're not married to XAMPP for this particular use instance and are finding it difficult setting up E107, here's a pre-packaged "E107 on a thumbdrive" using a different server package (PAMPA - ... content.12

I don't have any experience with it, just found it checking out what E107 is. . .
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Location: Bangkok

Postby tims31 » 22. April 2007 19:45

Thanks very much for that.

Will give it a try and let you know how I get on.
Posts: 3
Joined: 20. April 2007 08:51

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