flock () unimplemented

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flock () unimplemented

Postby matze110684 » 10. January 2004 21:58

Ich habe das Script CGI Casino von http://www.croesusdesign.com heruntergeladen und auf dem neuen wampp installiert (win98) und wenn ich die admin.cgi im browser aufrufe kommt folgender Fehler:

Content-type: text/html
Software error:
flock() unimplemented on this platform at Surf.pm line 208.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (admin@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

In der Surf.pm, in den linien um 208 steht folgendes:

Code: Select all
sub ParseTemplate
    my $filename = shift;
    my $temp = $/;
    $/ = undef;
    unless (-f $filename) {
        1 if ($filename =~ /(.+)/);
        $filename = $1;
        open (FILE, ">>$filename");
        close (FILE);
    open (FILE, $filename) || die ("Can't open template file");
#Linie 208# flock FILE, 2;   
    my $file = <FILE>;
    close $file;
    flock FILE, 8;   
    $/ = $temp;
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Joined: 10. January 2004 21:40

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