Can I hire someone to add catalyst Beerdb to Apachefriends

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Can I hire someone to add catalyst Beerdb to Apachefriends

Postby tphyahoo » 15. August 2005 11:01

Hi, I am interested in playing with the perl catalyst framework on windows. I would love to have this built into apache friends. Specifically, I would like the catalyst sample application "beerdb" either installed with the perl addon to apachefriends, or installed as a separate addon in addition to the perl addon. I am not sure if this is possible, but ideally I would like beerdb with a postgresql back end, since this is the db I ultimately want to work with. Configuring this is proving to be a PITA.

I am open to hiring someone to do this for me, via rentacoder or some other outsourcing trustee mechanism, although I am also considering doing this myself.

Would anybody be interested in such a project? Please private message me, or answer in the public thread if you prefer.

Best regards, Thomas Hartman.
Posts: 3
Joined: 30. December 2004 20:12

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