connection to MySQL from MS-Word fails

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connection to MySQL from MS-Word fails

Postby ruud00000 » 07. January 2004 12:16


I can't etablish a connection from MS Word to MySQL.

I installed an ODBC driver 3.51 and that works (message "Data source 'myodbc3-test' connected succesfully to 'mysqld-4.0.14-nt'!!!)

However when I try to acces the database from Word, I use servername 'mysqld-4.0.14-nt', username 'root' and the same password as used in the ODBC-driver DSN configuration, it fails ('server doesn't exist or acces denied')

In WinMySQLAdmin it says under MyODBC: 'Not found', however folowed by the driver data 'driver version : 03.51', driver: myodbs3.dll' etc.

Do I miss a general MySQL driver, manager or so? Where to look?

Please feel free to answer in German, it's hjust that my German writing is poor.

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Postby Kristian Marcroft » 07. January 2004 14:52


why don't you try "localhost" as a Server...
Maybe thats do...

So long
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Postby ruud00000 » 07. January 2004 17:25

Well I tried anything. Localhost gives the same message.

However when I try 'localhost:3015' (the port as indicated in WinMySQLAdmin -> Process -> Host) then the message returned is 'ConnectionOpen(ParseConnectParams()) : invalid connection'.

By the way the port as indicated in the ODBC-connection is the standard 3306.

:?: :?:

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Postby Lokian » 07. January 2004 18:12


you said you used a password out of you DNS-files!

and as user root!

As password you can try the "root-password"

MfG Loki
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Postby ruud00000 » 07. January 2004 21:13

The password in the DSN connection configuration is the server 'root' password, not a different one.

However I just found what i was doing wrong. Trying to define a connection from MS-Word to the MySQL databaseserver I clicked on 'new SQL server connection' where I should have clicked on 'new source' to define a 'new ODBC DSN connection'.

And there is is...

Thanks anyway!! :!:
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