.:hilfe:. bitte ist sehr dringend !

Alles, was MariaDB und MySQL betrifft, kann hier besprochen werden.

.:hilfe:. bitte ist sehr dringend !

Postby asero » 23. January 2003 19:18

aslo ich habe ne web site gemacht wo en banermanager ist oder z.B ene download section .... aber da werden die bilder nicht richtig angezeig ... was ist das ? könnt ja mal gucken


buedde helft mir :-)

Postby Pc-dummy » 23. January 2003 19:33

poste mal den PHP-Code für die INDEX.php
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Postby boppy » 23. January 2003 23:47

Code: Select all
<!--Einzelne dls-->

<table width="335" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
    <td><img src="http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/gfx/files_klein.gif" width="335" height="30"></td>


      <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=335 background="http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/gfx/newsbg.gif">

          <td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1><DIV align=left><b>name</b></DIV></font></td>
          <td width=40% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1><DIV align=left><b>kategorie</b></DIV></font></td>
          <td width=40% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1><DIV align=left><b>details</b></DIV></font></td>


  <td><img src="http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/gfx/foot_news.gif" width="335"></td>

<!--Einzelne dls ENDE-->

Ich an deiner stelle würde es als erstes versuchen, die pfadangaben relativ zu machen. also statt <img src="http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/gfx/foot_news.gif" width="335"> solltest du [i]<img src="gfx/foot_news.gif"> machen (gebe keine einzeldaten an. wenn das height und width... oder gar keine *g*) - evtl funzelt schon das...
...in diesem Sinne
yours boppy

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das ist der code der index.php

Postby aserO » 25. January 2003 14:52

<title><?php echo $title ?></title>
<body bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" text="<?php echo $textcolor; ?>">

mysql_connect($sqlhost,$sqluser,$sqlpass) OR DIE( "Couldn't connect to MySQL server!");
if ($action == "" || $action == "viewall"){

<!--Einzelne dls-->

<table width="335" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<td><img src="<? echo $imghead; ?>" width="335" height="30"></td>


<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=335 background="<? echo $imglist; ?>">

<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1><DIV align=left><b>name</b></DIV></font></td>
<td width=40% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1><DIV align=left><b>kategorie</b></DIV></font></td>
<td width=40% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1><DIV align=left><b>details</b></DIV></font></td>

mysql_connect($sqlhost,$sqluser,$sqlpass) OR DIE( "Couldn't connect to MySQL server!");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tablename ORDER BY dlcat");
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {


<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1><DIV align=left><?php echo $data[dlname]; ?></DIV></font></td>
<td width=40% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1><DIV align=left><?php echo $data[dlcat]; ?></DIV></font></td>
<td width=10% height=15 align=left><font size=2><DIV align=center><A href="javascript:NeuesFenster('<? echo $indexphp; ?>?action=detail&dlid=<? echo $data[dlid]; ?>',375,300)"><IMG src="<? echo $imgdetail; ?>" alt="details" border=0></A></DIV></font></td>

<td><img src="<? echo $imgfoot; ?>" width="335"></td>

<!--Einzelne dls ENDE-->


elseif($action == "detail")
$query = "SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE dlid='$dlid'";
$ergebnis = mysql_query($query);

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) {

<body bgcolor="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" text="<?php echo $textcolor; ?>">

<table width="335" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align=center>
<td align=left><img src="<? echo $imghead; ?>" width="335" height="30"></td>
<td height=15 align=left>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=335 background="<? echo $imglist; ?>">
<td colspan='2' width=100% height=15 align=left><DIV align=center><font size=3 color=000000><i><b><? echo $data[dlname]; ?></b></i><BR><BR></font></DIV></td>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1>name:</font></td>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=tahoma size=1 color='#ffffff'><?php echo $data[dlname]; ?></font></TD>

<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1>kategorie:</font></td>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=tahoma size=1 color='#ffffff'><?php echo $data[dlcat]; ?></font></TD>

<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1>version:</font></td>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=tahoma size=1 color='#ffffff'><?php if ($data[dlversion]==""){ echo "n/A"; } else { echo "$data[dlversion]"; } ?></font></TD>

<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1>upload:</font></td>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=tahoma size=1 color='#ffffff'><?php $datum = date("d.m.Y - H:i",$data[date]); echo $datum ?></font></TD>

<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1>klicks:</font></td>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=tahoma size=1 color='#ffffff'><?php if ($data[klicks]==""){ echo "0"; } else { echo "$data[klicks]"; } ?></font></TD>

<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1>download:</font></td>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=tahoma size=1 color='#ffffff'>
[<A href="<? echo $indexphp; ?>?action=down&dlid=<? echo $data[dlid]; ?>" >download</A>]</font></TD>

<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=Tahoma size=1>info:</font> </td>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font face=tahoma size=1 color='#ffffff'><? echo $data[dlinfo]; ?></font></TD>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><font size=4>&</font></td>
<td width=50% height=15 align=left><div align=left><font face="Tahoma" size=1>[<a href="#" onclick='self.close()'><font face="Tahoma" size=1>close</font></a>]</font></div></td>
<td><img src="<? echo $imgfoot; ?>" width="335"></td>

<!--Details ENDE-->


elseif($action == "down")
$query = "SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE dlid='$dlid'";
$ergebnis = mysql_query($query);

$result = mysql_query("SELECT klicks FROM $tablename WHERE dlid='$dlid'");

$geklickt = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$klicks = $geklickt[0];

mysql_query("UPDATE $tablename SET klicks=$klicks WHERE dlid='$dlid'") or print mysql_error();

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) {
echo "
<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3; URL=http://$data[dlurl]'>
<font color=ffffff size=1 face=Tahoma>Wenn der Download nicht innerhalb von 3 Sekunden beginnt,<br>
klicken sie <a href='http://$data[dlurl]'>hier</a>

<!--DOWN ENDE-->

<DIV align=center><BR>
<FONT face="Tahoma" size=1>[<A href="<? echo $adminphp; ?>">admin</A>]</FONT><BR><BR>
<font face="Tahoma" size=1><? echo $copyright; ?></font></DIV>


und das wäre die config.php :-)

Postby aserO » 25. January 2003 14:54

ja das wollte ich auch nochmal posten ... das kotz mich so an das das nicht funtz ay hilffffe buedde ...

<script language="JavaScript">
function NeuesFenster(url, width, height) {
var Win = window.open(url,"displayWindow",'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',resizable=0,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,status=no' );

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body {
font-family: Veranda, Helvetica;
font-size: 8pt;
text-align: left;
color: #ffffff;
a:link {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: none;
color: #000000;
text-decoration: none;
a:visited {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: none;
color: #000000;
text-decoration: none;
A:link {
text-decoration: none
A:hover {
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$title = '.:: misC download datenbank ::.'; //NAME DER WEBSITE

$bgcolor = '#54617E'; //HINTERGRUNDFARBE
$textcolor = '#ffffff'; //TEXTFARBE

$sqlhost = 'localhost'; //SQLHOST
$sqluser = 'asero'; //SQLUSERNAME
$sqlpass = ''; //SQLPASSWORD
$database = 'misc'; //DATABASE
$tablename = 'gcsc_files'; //tabellenname

$adminphp = 'http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/admin/admin.php'; //Link zur admin.php
$indexphp = 'http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/index.php'; //Link zur Index.php
$pagephp = 'http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/gcsc/index.php?action=files'; //Link zur Page
$addphp = 'http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/add.php'; //Link zur add.php
$imgdetail = 'http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/gfx/detail.gif'; //Link zum Detailgif
$imghead = 'http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/gfx/files_klein.gif'; //Link zum Headgif
$imglist = 'http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/gfx/newsbg.gif'; //Link zum Listenbackground
$imgfoot = 'http://www.nnn-clan.de.vu/files/gfx/foot_news.gif'; //Link zum Footgif

$copyright = '<font size="1" color="000000">copyright 2001 by <a href="http://www.gcsc-clan.de.vu"><font size="1">team.gcsc|!ce</font></a>.</font>';

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