Root password reset still giving me Access Denied for user

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Root password reset still giving me Access Denied for user

Postby darthpathos » 08. September 2023 18:58

Hi all,
I'm on MariaDB 10.1.8, Windows OS 2019 Datacenter, PHP 8.1.16, WAMP 3.3.1. I have been trying to figure out how to get back into root now (off and on) for about 6 months, and today managed to get the queries to work but still not able to log in (which really sucks because I'm the DBA, a Team of 1, and I built the server LOL). Anyway, the code I ran was:

Use Powershell Admin (win-X) navigate to cd "c:\Program Files\Mariadb 10.1\bin"
.mysql --version
net stop <db name>
.\mysqld --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking --shared-memory

Open regular powershell window
update mysql.user set password=password('<new_pw>') where user='root';
update mysql.user set plugin='mysql_native_password' where user='root';

Which, as I mentioned, all ran successfully, but when I try and log in through either HeidiSQL or PHPMyAdmin, I'm getting the Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) error.

I desperately need to get into root to do some upgrade prep and am completely lost. FWIW, my other accounts are all able to login (backupuser, admin1, and genuser) so it's something specific with root that's the problem.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Posts: 1
Joined: 08. September 2023 18:51
XAMPP version: 3.3.1 (WAMP)
Operating System: Windows

Re: Root password reset still giving me Access Denied for us

Postby Nobbie » 08. September 2023 23:57

This is the wrong forum, you are running Wamp 3.3.1, but this is the Xampp support forum.
Posts: 13233
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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