HTML Minification

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HTML Minification

Postby TomXampp » 22. March 2019 14:58

The best minifier for HMTL (and CSS & JavaScript) that I know is the Kangax Minifier:

Sadly for PHP users, it is written in JavaScript, so although it can be run server-side in Node, it's unavailable for server-side minification in PHP scripts.

I'd thought about porting it over to PHP (the routine can be viewed publicly at, but it would be a mammoth project, something a group of PHP users should take on, not a solitary PHP user.

1) Any interest by anyone in writing a port of it to PHP?
2) What PHP-based HTML/CSS/JS minification routines have you found that work well?

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Joined: 12. March 2015 03:58
Operating System: Windows 8.1

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