xampp control panel cant find php_error_log

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xampp control panel cant find php_error_log

Postby mkortink » 11. April 2017 00:44

From the XAMPP control panel if for Apache I click [Logs] and select PHP (php_error_log) notepad opens saying it can't find the log file. I am sure this used to work, and am a bit puzzled by the name php_error_log, why not php_error.log.

I have tried changing php.ini by setting error_log = C:\xampp\apache\logs\php_error.log but it has not made a difference.

I would be happy to just go back to the default behavior of php logging to the apache error.log and not get an error on clicking the php_error_log.

BUT ideally I would like php errors to go to php_error.log with the control panel being able to find the log.

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Joined: 11. April 2017 00:19
XAMPP version: 7.0.8
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: xampp control panel cant find php_error_log

Postby JJ_Tagy » 12. April 2017 11:07

If you change the name of the log, then clicking the "log" button in the control panel won't find the default log file. Changing the php.ini does not change the hard-coded file name in the control panel, it only tells php what to name the file.

As long as I can remember the naming convention for php errors has been error_log in standard php installations (a Linux convention). Whoever put together the xampp package just added php in front - probably just for clarification.
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