url names vs directory names

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url names vs directory names

Postby ragingbull » 25. August 2011 10:52

i have mod_python 3.3 and apache2.2

i have them both working, i also have a seperate django project.

i have tried to configure apache and my app together with out success

when i start apache with sudo ./httpd -k start, i can access the projects files via localhost by typing in the actual directory names and files, the same as i could in a python prompt say.

But i dont wont that. I wont to type the urls that i set in my urls.py file in my app and have the bloody thing work the same way as if i run it locally.

Now, my app is in my home directory, and apache is in my root directory, here is are the changes i made to the httpd.conf file.

I have spent much time on this and .............nothing, dont have clue. Any one, please im begging.

ServerRoot "/home/jamie/mysite"

LoadModule python_module /usr/local/apache2/modules/mod_python.so

DocumentRoot "/home/jamie/mysite"

<Directory "/home/jamie/mysite">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

<Directory "/home/jamie/mysite">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

<Location "/mysite">
SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings
PythonPath "['/home/jamie/mysite'] + sys.path"
#PythonOption django.root /mysite
PythonAutoReload On
PythonDebug On
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Joined: 24. August 2011 08:37

What to do

Postby Teetriobe » 09. April 2013 19:03

Hallo. Sie alle wissen, was alles über dieses Cookie Annahme Ding? Ist es sicher?
Vielen Dank für Antwort
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