
Alles, was den Apache betrifft, kann hier besprochen werden.


Postby ragingbull » 24. August 2011 08:59


Dont know if this is the place to ask for help on such a topic, if not could some one redirect me. cheers.

Ive learnt python, sought of.
downloaded django. Downloaded Django-registration.
created app
created user registration to send emails.
want to recieve an email sent by my app
need apache
downloaded, apache/2.2.16
installed it
downloaded lastest mod_python.
installed it
stop. i cant figure out the rest. Yes ive tried, and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried etc
my latest stop seems to be configuring the apache configure file (httpd.conf) with mod_python
some guy suggested that:

You can also confirm which version of mod_python is being used by looking in the Apache error log file for the mod_python startup message:

[Tue Feb 01 16:08:21 2005] [notice] Apache/2.0.51 (Unix)
mod_python/3.1.3 Python/2.3 configured -- resuming normal operations

If you do not see this message, then it can mean that Apache hasn't been configured to load the mod_python module. To solve this, the installation instructions will need to be followed to complete the installation.
This will entail addiing the Apache configuration file a line similar to:

LoadModule python_module libexec/

O.k Check! my error log files read .......[Wed Aug 24 15:26:06 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.16 (Ubuntu) configured -- resuming normal operations........ meaning mod_python hasn't been configured to apache2. Check!

my mod_python make install reads ......Now don't forget to edit your main config and add LoadModule python_module /usr/local/apache2/modules/!!!

so i edited my main config file with the above, yet my error log files still read exactly the same, suggesting to me that mod_python is still not configured. Any body?????
Posts: 2
Joined: 24. August 2011 08:37

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