website kann nur mit https:// geöffnet werden

Alles, was den Apache betrifft, kann hier besprochen werden.

website kann nur mit https:// geöffnet werden

Postby SieNanntenIhnNoob » 21. February 2004 20:01


mein problem steht schon in dem Topic. Leider kann ich die webseiten auf meinen apacheserver nur mit https:// öffnen(Das funktioniert). Doch ich möchte auch wie bei meinen alten apache 1.3 die seite mit http:// bzw. nur durch die eingabe der IP des Rechners erreichen und das funktioniert nicht. Ich hoffe das mir jemand weiterhelfen kann.


Posts: 3
Joined: 21. February 2004 15:57

Postby PF4 » 21. February 2004 20:04

Das Error Log bitte.

Uns sieh nach ob in der httpd.conf listen 80 steht.
"2 Dinge sind unendlich die Dummheit der Menschheit und das Universum , aber beim Universum bin ich mir noch nicht sicher“
Albert Einstein
Posts: 528
Joined: 10. March 2003 09:15

Postby SieNanntenIhnNoob » 21. February 2004 20:13

also es kommt bei der eingabe des apacheservers( nur "Die Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden." aber bei gehts. Und in der httpd.conf steht listen 80, also das wars nicht. Sonstige fehler gabs nicht.
Posts: 3
Joined: 21. February 2004 15:57

Postby PF4 » 21. February 2004 20:17

In der Error.log steht garnix ?

Das kann doch garnicht sein. Stelle mal deine httpd.conf zum download bereit !

Kannst ja mal im Chat vorbeikommen !
"2 Dinge sind unendlich die Dummheit der Menschheit und das Universum , aber beim Universum bin ich mir noch nicht sicher“
Albert Einstein
Posts: 528
Joined: 10. March 2003 09:15

Postby SieNanntenIhnNoob » 21. February 2004 20:21

[Sat Feb 21 14:44:15 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1492
[Sat Feb 21 14:44:28 2004] [notice] Child 1492: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 14:44:28 2004] [notice] Child 1492: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 14:44:28 2004] [notice] Child 1492: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 14:46:21 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Sat Feb 21 14:46:21 2004] [notice] Child 1492: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Sat Feb 21 14:46:22 2004] [notice] Child 1492: Released the start mutex
[Sat Feb 21 14:46:23 2004] [notice] Child 1492: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
[Sat Feb 21 14:46:23 2004] [notice] Child 1492: All worker threads have exited.
[Sat Feb 21 14:46:23 2004] [notice] Child 1492: Child process is exiting
[Sat Feb 21 14:46:23 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:10 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 2572
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:24 2004] [notice] Child 2572: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:24 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:24 2004] [notice] Child 2572: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:24 2004] [notice] Child 2572: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:24 2004] [notice] Child 2572: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:25 2004] [notice] Child 2572: Released the start mutex
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:26 2004] [notice] Child 2572: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:26 2004] [notice] Child 2572: All worker threads have exited.
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:26 2004] [notice] Child 2572: Child process is exiting
[Sat Feb 21 14:47:26 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Sat Feb 21 14:56:12 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1584
[Sat Feb 21 14:56:24 2004] [notice] Child 1584: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 14:56:24 2004] [notice] Child 1584: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 14:56:24 2004] [notice] Child 1584: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 15:00:28 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Sat Feb 21 15:00:28 2004] [notice] Child 1584: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Sat Feb 21 15:00:29 2004] [notice] Child 1584: Released the start mutex
[Sat Feb 21 15:00:30 2004] [notice] Child 1584: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
[Sat Feb 21 15:00:30 2004] [notice] Child 1584: All worker threads have exited.
[Sat Feb 21 15:00:30 2004] [notice] Child 1584: Child process is exiting
[Sat Feb 21 15:00:30 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Sat Feb 21 15:01:00 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3324
[Sat Feb 21 15:01:12 2004] [notice] Child 3324: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 15:01:12 2004] [notice] Child 3324: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 15:01:12 2004] [notice] Child 3324: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 15:06:20 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Sat Feb 21 15:06:20 2004] [notice] Child 3324: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Sat Feb 21 15:06:21 2004] [notice] Child 3324: Released the start mutex
[Sat Feb 21 15:06:22 2004] [notice] Child 3324: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
[Sat Feb 21 15:06:22 2004] [notice] Child 3324: All worker threads have exited.
[Sat Feb 21 15:06:22 2004] [notice] Child 3324: Child process is exiting
[Sat Feb 21 15:06:22 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Sat Feb 21 15:06:39 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1628
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
[Sat Feb 21 15:11:30 2004] [warn] pid file D:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Sat Feb 21 15:11:39 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 184
[Sat Feb 21 15:11:53 2004] [notice] Child 184: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 15:11:53 2004] [notice] Child 184: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 15:11:53 2004] [notice] Child 184: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 15:14:48 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Sat Feb 21 15:14:48 2004] [notice] Child 184: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Sat Feb 21 15:14:49 2004] [notice] Child 184: Released the start mutex
[Sat Feb 21 15:14:50 2004] [notice] Child 184: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
[Sat Feb 21 15:14:50 2004] [notice] Child 184: All worker threads have exited.
[Sat Feb 21 15:14:50 2004] [notice] Child 184: Child process is exiting
[Sat Feb 21 15:14:50 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Sat Feb 21 15:15:06 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3424
[Sat Feb 21 15:15:19 2004] [notice] Child 3424: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 15:15:19 2004] [notice] Child 3424: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 15:15:19 2004] [notice] Child 3424: Starting 250 worker threads.
Der Befehl "webalizer.exe" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Der Befehl "webalizer.exe" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
[Sat Feb 21 15:51:49 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Sat Feb 21 15:51:49 2004] [notice] Child 3424: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Sat Feb 21 15:51:50 2004] [notice] Child 3424: Released the start mutex
[Sat Feb 21 15:51:55 2004] [notice] Child 3424: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
[Sat Feb 21 15:51:56 2004] [notice] Child 3424: All worker threads have exited.
[Sat Feb 21 15:51:56 2004] [notice] Child 3424: Child process is exiting
[Sat Feb 21 15:51:56 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Sat Feb 21 15:56:36 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 260
[Sat Feb 21 15:56:49 2004] [notice] Child 260: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 15:56:49 2004] [notice] Child 260: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 15:56:49 2004] [notice] Child 260: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 16:12:35 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:13:06 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:13:15 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:13:27 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:13:36 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:13:40 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:14:31 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:14:36 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:14:40 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:14:49 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:15:05 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:15:16 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:15:28 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:17:49 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:17:57 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
[Sat Feb 21 16:19:01 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: D:/xampp/htdocs/lansuite2_rc3.5/install/design/images, referer: ... php?step=2
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
[Sat Feb 21 16:21:18 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 2228
[Sat Feb 21 16:21:40 2004] [notice] Child 2228: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 16:21:40 2004] [notice] Child 2228: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 16:21:40 2004] [notice] Child 2228: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 16:23:48 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Sat Feb 21 16:23:48 2004] [notice] Child 2228: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Sat Feb 21 16:23:49 2004] [notice] Child 2228: Released the start mutex
[Sat Feb 21 16:23:50 2004] [notice] Child 2228: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
[Sat Feb 21 16:23:50 2004] [notice] Child 2228: All worker threads have exited.
[Sat Feb 21 16:23:50 2004] [notice] Child 2228: Child process is exiting
[Sat Feb 21 16:23:50 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Sat Feb 21 16:24:16 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 2912
[Sat Feb 21 16:24:33 2004] [notice] Child 2912: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 16:24:33 2004] [notice] Child 2912: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 16:24:33 2004] [notice] Child 2912: Starting 250 worker threads.
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
[Sat Feb 21 16:28:49 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1564
[Sat Feb 21 16:29:02 2004] [notice] Child 1564: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 16:29:03 2004] [notice] Child 1564: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 16:29:03 2004] [notice] Child 1564: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 16:32:31 2004] [warn] pid file D:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Sat Feb 21 16:32:42 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 528
[Sat Feb 21 16:37:36 2004] [warn] pid file D:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Sat Feb 21 16:37:44 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 544
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
] Child 544: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 16:37:56 2004] [notice] Child 544: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 16:37:56 2004] [notice] Child 544: Starting 250 worker threads.
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
[Sat Feb 21 16:40:47 2004] [warn] pid file D:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Sat Feb 21 16:40:56 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 2472
[Sat Feb 21 16:41:13 2004] [notice] Child 2472: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 16:41:13 2004] [notice] Child 2472: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 16:41:13 2004] [notice] Child 2472: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 16:45:50 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1872
[Sat Feb 21 16:46:03 2004] [notice] Child 1872: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 16:46:03 2004] [notice] Child 1872: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 16:46:03 2004] [notice] Child 1872: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 16:48:32 2004] [warn] pid file D:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Sat Feb 21 16:48:42 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1248
[Sat Feb 21 16:48:55 2004] [notice] Child 1248: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 16:48:55 2004] [notice] Child 1248: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 16:48:56 2004] [notice] Child 1248: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 19:22:19 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 544
[Sat Feb 21 19:22:34 2004] [notice] Child 544: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 19:22:34 2004] [notice] Child 544: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 19:22:34 2004] [notice] Child 544: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 19:29:59 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 2208
[Sat Feb 21 19:30:13 2004] [notice] Child 2208: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 19:30:13 2004] [notice] Child 2208: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 19:30:13 2004] [notice] Child 2208: Starting 250 worker threads.
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
[Sat Feb 21 19:32:53 2004] [warn] pid file D:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Sat Feb 21 19:33:00 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 2180
[Sat Feb 21 19:33:14 2004] [notice] Child 2180: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 19:33:14 2004] [notice] Child 2180: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 19:33:14 2004] [notice] Child 2180: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 19:36:43 2004] [notice] Parent: Received restart signal -- Restarting the server.
[Sat Feb 21 19:36:43 2004] [notice] Child 2180: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Sat Feb 21 19:36:44 2004] [notice] Child 2180: Released the start mutex
[Sat Feb 21 19:36:45 2004] [notice] Child 2180: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
[Sat Feb 21 19:36:46 2004] [notice] Child 2180: All worker threads have exited.
[Sat Feb 21 19:36:46 2004] [notice] Child 2180: Child process is exiting
[Sat Feb 21 19:36:53 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1672
[Sat Feb 21 19:37:07 2004] [notice] Child 1672: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 19:37:07 2004] [notice] Child 1672: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 19:37:07 2004] [notice] Child 1672: Starting 250 worker threads.
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
[Sat Feb 21 19:39:24 2004] [warn] pid file D:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Sat Feb 21 19:39:32 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 544
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
] Child 544: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 19:39:47 2004] [notice] Child 544: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 19:39:47 2004] [notice] Child 544: Starting 250 worker threads.
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
[Sat Feb 21 19:43:33 2004] [warn] pid file D:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Sat Feb 21 19:43:42 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 556
[Sat Feb 21 19:44:02 2004] [notice] Child 556: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 19:44:02 2004] [notice] Child 556: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 19:44:03 2004] [notice] Child 556: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:25 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:25 2004] [notice] Child 556: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:26 2004] [notice] Child 556: Released the start mutex
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:27 2004] [notice] Child 556: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:27 2004] [notice] Child 556: All worker threads have exited.
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:27 2004] [notice] Child 556: Child process is exiting
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:27 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:45 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3812
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:59 2004] [notice] Child 3812: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:59 2004] [notice] Child 3812: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 19:45:59 2004] [notice] Child 3812: Starting 250 worker threads.
Der Befehl "webalizer.exe" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Terminating on signal SIGTERM(15)
[Sat Feb 21 20:10:37 2004] [warn] pid file D:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Sat Feb 21 20:10:45 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 564
[Sat Feb 21 20:10:57 2004] [notice] Child 564: Child process is running
[Sat Feb 21 20:10:57 2004] [notice] Child 564: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Feb 21 20:10:57 2004] [notice] Child 564: Starting 250 worker threads.

an der config von apache hab ich nicht rumgestellt ist also standard
Posts: 3
Joined: 21. February 2004 15:57

Postby PF4 » 21. February 2004 20:30

Haste Kazza oder irgendein Programm laufen das Port 80 belegen könnte

bitte mach mal ne CMD auf und gib jeweils "netstat -an" mit ein und ausgeschaltetem Apache und poste es hier ins Forum
"2 Dinge sind unendlich die Dummheit der Menschheit und das Universum , aber beim Universum bin ich mir noch nicht sicher“
Albert Einstein
Posts: 528
Joined: 10. March 2003 09:15

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