child process 3376

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child process 3376

Postby EDSJ » 16. February 2004 09:22

Moin moin,

ich habe folgendes Problem. Sporadisch hängt sich der Server weg. ICh habe dann eine 100% Prozessor Auslastung. Dies dauert ca. 2-3min und dann fängt sich das wieder und läuft wie gewohnt. In der Error log habe ich dann jeneswelches drin stehen:

script not found or unable to stat
[Mon Feb 16 00:14:50 2004] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 4294967295 -- Restarting.
[Mon Feb 16 00:15:32 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 4348
[Mon Feb 16 00:16:11 2004] [notice] Child 4348: Child process is running
[Mon Feb 16 00:16:11 2004] [notice] Child 4348: Acquired the start mutex.
[Mon Feb 16 00:16:11 2004] [notice] Child 4348: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Mon Feb 16 00:16:13 2004] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 4294967295 -- Restarting.
[Mon Feb 16 00:16:22 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3376
[Mon Feb 16 00:17:02 2004] [notice] Child 3376: Child process is running
[Mon Feb 16 00:17:02 2004] [notice] Child 3376: Acquired the start mutex.
[Mon Feb 16 00:17:02 2004] [notice] Child 3376: Starting 250 worker threads.

Hat einer eine Idee??? Welches Script sucht er?
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Joined: 29. November 2003 09:42

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